
                            使用砂浆宝-砂浆塑化剂提高砂浆拌灰质量     苏州名牌  江苏省建设厅建设科技成果推广项目  砂浆宝-砂浆塑化剂     我公司生产的砂浆宝-砂浆塑化剂、砂浆宝(Ⅱ型)-砌筑砂浆增塑剂,产品质量经国家水泥混凝土制品质量监督检验中心检测,符合建设部建筑工业行业标准“JG/ T 164-2004砌筑砂浆增塑剂标准”规定。1幢别墅用传统石灰膏搅拌砂浆需1800多元石灰膏材料费才能完成砌筑、抹灰的所有工作;而用砂浆宝仅需2箱(20公斤/箱)。产品广泛用于建筑砌筑、抹灰砂浆中。倍受用户亲睐! 产品荣获:  苏州名牌产品证书 二○○四年常熟市科技进步三等奖 江苏省建设厅科学技术成果鉴定证书,苏建科鉴字(2003)第52号 江苏省建设厅建设科技成果推广认定书,编号(2003)0099 苏州市工程建设QC小组成果发布会上《使用砂浆塑化剂,提高拌灰质量》获二等奖 产品介绍: 一、砂浆宝-砂浆塑化剂,是一种环保型的新型建材产品,可广泛使用于砌筑砂浆、抹灰砂浆。它具有减水、增塑、保水等功能,能有效减少施工中的裂缝、起壳、空鼓等现象,提高砂浆的抗压强度和粘结强度、降低施工成本。 二、砂浆宝(Ⅱ型)-砌筑砂浆增塑剂(也可用于抹灰砂浆), 是依据建设部发布的JG/ T 164-2004建筑工业行业标准的规定研制开发的砂浆外加剂,掺用增塑剂后能改善砂浆的物理性能.即具有良好的和易性、在砂浆中主要起到分散水泥,使水泥与砂子分布均匀,从而达到不沉淀、不泌水。可全部替代石灰膏。以传统掺石灰膏的砂浆相比能提高砂浆的抗压强度和粘结强度,降低施工成本。 我们将以免费产品试用,按时送货上门,服务于贵公司的优质工程。 现诚招各地经销商,一个地区限一家。 预祝:新春愉快!       合家幸福! 苏州山湖建筑材料有限公司 地址:中国.江苏.常熟市虞山南路 电话:0512-52709885 13182626338 欢迎登陆公司网址 English:     SJB(Sha JiangBao砂浆宝)——plasticizing agent for construction mortar, is the latest scientific payoff of China Construction Science Research Institute and produced by our company.   One ton of SJB can r e p l a c e 400 tons of kalk. It can also save concrete by 10% and increase the volume of mortar by 8%. You may save 20 yuan for every cubic meter of mortar if you use SJB. And if you use one ton of SJB, you can save about 40,000 yuan.   TECHNICAL PARAMETER:   PH value:≥8        compressive intensity rate:28d≥100%   Seepage rate:≤80%     contraction rate:<135%   Delamination :≤25mm        Product characteristic: SJB can make it easier to mix the mortar. It can also increase the compressive intensity and cohesion intensity of mortar to make the durability of the construction better. SJB is a green, environment-protecting product. It is nontoxic, harmless and radiationless and it will not cause steel to corrode. The mortar mixed with SJB doesn’t dehisce, knob or crack. So it is widely used for brickwork, plasterwork and floor flating. SJB is a recommended product by China Construction Science Research Institute.   Please popularize this product and make it widely used in all kinds of construction.   LOOKING FOR COOPERATION: SJB(Sha JiangBao砂浆宝)——plasticizing agent for construction mortar, is the latest scientific payoff of China Construction Science Research Institute(PATENT APPLICATION NO.: 03157552.8),and produced by our company. We are now looking for sales agents to open up new market and make it easier for our customers to purchase our product.   You are warmly welcomed to contact us for detailed information. We hope to be your business partners heartfully. ADD: SOUTH YUSHAN ROAD CHANGSHU, JIANGSU, CHINA TEL:86-0512-52709885 FAX:86-0512-52789290 MOBILE PHONE:13182626338 WEB:
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公司名称 中国苏州山湖建筑材料有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 何先生  
座机电话 0512-52709885  
手机号码 13182626338   
传真号码 0512-52789290  
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