
公 司 简 介 BLUEMAX蓝勋章是蓝勋章国际投资有限公司旗下品牌之一,与拥有超过70年生产热水器历史与经验的英国REDRING(红环)企业合作。其生产厂房位于英国彼特堡市,产品开发原则以安全实用、时尚家用及工商业设计理念为基础;产品特点为即开即热,能持续供热水、水温平衡、绝缘性能好、不漏电、节约能源及多种功率选择。 除即热式电热水器外,BLUEMAX蓝勋章产品还有由17升~56升的速热储水式电热水器。速热储水式电热水器内置全球**革命性专利发明“速热交换器”,使储水式电热水器兼备速热功能,大大节省加热时间。容量由45升~100升的传统储水式电热水器热仍是BLUEMAX蓝勋章产品系列之一。 BLUEMAX蓝勋章电热水器在国内销售已超过12年。除倍受国内各界广泛使用外,在北京、上海、广州及西安等各大城市内的工矿企业机团单位、外资企业等均选BLUEMAX蓝勋章电热水器作为热水供应设备。 Company Profile   BLUEMAX, a brand which is held by Blue Max International Investment Co., Ltd., cooperates with REDRING in Great Britain. REDRING has more than 70 years of history and experience in instantaneous water heaters production. Being located in the city of Peterborough, its products are designed for family and commercial use with high safety and quality standard, advanced design and user-friendly basic features. They are equipped with outstanding features including instantaneous and continuous heated water supply, constant temperature control, electric safety protection and low energy consumption. A wide product and power setting range are provided to consumers’ choice. Other than instantaneous water heaters, BLUEMAX offers InstantStorageTM water heaters from a range of 17L to 56L. BLUEMAX InstantStorageTM water heaters contains Direct Heat Injector, which is a 24 patented technology. The Direct Heat Injector includes instantaneous water heaters’ feature into storage water heaters, which saves a lot of pre-heating time. BLUEMAX of course still carries traditional storage water heaters from 45L to 100L capacities. BLUEAMX electric water heaters have already achieved sales history of more than 12 years in China. Not only accepted by the general public because of its high quality, a lot of government agencies, government based companies and foreign investment companies, etc. in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xian etc. had already chosen BLUEMAX electric water heaters as their heated water systems.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 广州市蓝勋章电器有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 蒲婉妍小姐  
手机号码 81354733   
传真号码 020-81358673  
其它联系 在线留言