
    福建申柏雅卫浴(泉州)发展有限公司是一家拥有多年卫浴**生产销售经验的企业。经营产品范围横跨五金、卫浴配件、各种**等整体。配套系列产品,从产品设计到制造,形成专业一体化的企业运作系统。     SHENBOYA sanitary ware is a company with many years of experience in the production and sales of sanitary ware enterprise products range across hardware , sanitary products , such as ceramic sanitary ware , a complete set of whole series of products , from product design to manufacturing , form professional integration of enterprise operation system.       申柏雅卫浴(泉州)发展有限公司希望通过概念上的突破与服务上的创新打造全新卫浴文化,努力成为新实际空间美学的引领者,倡导自然、时尚的设计理念,赋予产品自然的美态,紧跟时尚潮流,落入艺术精华为一体。在市场上独树一帜。将先进的科技与前卫的设计理念**结合。创造出富有天然气息的卫浴、**精品,为人们营造自然的健康的生态家园。     SHENBOYA sanitary ware hope through the concept of breakthrough and services innovation to create new sanitary ware culture and become a new actual space aesthetics setters , advocate natural , fashion design idea , give product beauty of nature state , with the fashion trends , dissolve into art essence are one , unique in the market . Advanced science and technology and avant-garde will be the perfect combination of product design idear , to create rich natural breath sanitary exquisite products , for people to build natural ,healthy sanitary ware ecological home.            申柏雅卫浴致力于生活与艺术的**结合,紧跟世界潮流,不断吸取欧美**新流行款式,设计出国内**新**好的产品。广泛用于宾馆、写字楼、酒店、企事业等卫生设施及现代家居。     SHENBOYA sanitary ware is committed to living with the perfect combination of art, closely follow the world trend Europe and the United States continue to absorb the latest trends in style , design the best up-to-date domestic product . Canton Pan for hotels , office buildings , hotels ,enterprises and institutions and other health facilities and a modern home.        “申柏雅”在世人眼里与美丽、典雅、浪漫、时尚、新潮总是密不可分,紧随时间的步伐悄然走进您的家庭,健康来自申柏雅洁具,我们的进步就是您的高升,您的要求就是我们的动力。     SHENBOYA sanitary ware in the eyes of the world and the beautifull , elegant , romantic , fashion , fashion total is inextricably linked up with the pace of the century , quietly walked into your home , from health SHENBOYA Sanitary Ware , our progress is your highs , your request is our driving force.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 申柏雅卫浴成都青龙国际建材市场门店 普通商家  
联系人 负责人  
座机电话 13980085117  
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