
      浙江大发灯具有限公司集城市道路照明、庭园绿化、装饰工程灯具、建筑物泛光照明、设计开发、制造、销售、安装、服务为一体的灯具企业。 公司拥有国家专利产品多项,并已通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证及中国国家质量认证中心的CCC国家强制性产品认证。公司拥有固定资产8000万多元,厂区面积3万多平方米,具有雄厚的研发能力和技术力量及先进的生产设备。并已通过中国中轻产品质量保障中心审核认定为“中国**品牌”重点推广单位及“质量信誉双保障示范单位”;先后被浙江省地方工业产品检测中心评为“质量过硬持续合格产品”,被金华市工商行政管理局授予“重合同守信用单位”和“金华市**商标”,东阳市政府授予“重合同守信用单位”,资信等级为“AAA”级企业。 公司生产的灯具有城市道路照明高杆灯、道路灯、庭园灯(不锈钢)、草坪灯、太阳能灯具及新开发的大功率LED照明等系列的多种型号近百种产品,以及各种型号路灯灯罩。公司一直以市场为导向,以诚信服务为宗旨,坚持以质量求生存,新特闯市场、信誉赢顾客、效益促发展的经营理念。生产的产品集照明、美观、装饰、节能为一体,深受广大用户喜爱,产品覆盖全国各大中小城市,并远销东南亚、中东、欧盟等多个国家。 公司立足于城市道路照明、庭园绿化照明,以美化、亮化城市为已任,紧跟时代发展步伐,不断推出新产品。“没有**好,只有更好”是大发照明的一贯追求,大发照明愿为广大新老客户提供科学、专业、新颖、节能的理想品牌。你们的要求,就是我们的追求,前途一片光明,因有大发照明。 Located at prosperous Dongyang City in central Zhejiang province with convenient traffic. DaFa Lamps Co,Ltd. Specializes in the design, producing, sale, installing and service of outdoor lamps. After a decade of development since its establishment in 1992, it became one of most famous large-scale modern lighting company with advanced technology. equipments, complete assembly line. It was accredited by the“ISO9001:2000 quality management system”in2001. and by“3C national compulsive product certification”in June. 2004 , All of the products have been certified by China national light products quality assurance center as “national famous and good product”and got a reward as“quality trustable product”. It was rated as one of“100 quality trustable units”with its products listed as “qualified products with constant quality”by local testing center for industrial products in Zhejiang Province. It was also chosen as “trustable and contract-keeping company”by municipal government with its credit rating of 3A. In all. DaFa lamps is a famous brand recommended by experts. It mainly produces 500 specs of outdoors lamps and lighting with major products such as high-post light, street lamp,lamp polishing scenery and lawn, and solar energy lamps, followed by innovated new products. It is devotes to beautifying and lighting the city with its virescence lights. With integrated functions of lighting. decoration, energy-saving, its products can provide most scientific. Professional, novel lighting to the urban roads and buildings. As a market-oriented company with the principle of trustable, it always stick to the practice of“survive by quality. top the market by new and special product. Gain customer and make progress by efficiency”. With best quality. products and service, we will make further efforts to sell our products throughout the whole country as the countries and regions in southern and eastern Asia, middle east. Europe and the world as a whole.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 浙江大发照明有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 谢先生  
座机电话 0579-86967088  
手机号码 15356965766   
传真号码 0579-86965858  
其它联系 在线留言