
  宏通五金丝网制品有限公司前身是东方丝网厂,始建于1991年,经过十几年的发展,现占地8600多平方米,拥有丝网生产设备150余台(套)的中型企业 我公司是专业生产及销售各种规格的不锈钢网,铜丝网,窗纱,刀片刺网,刺绳,电焊网,方眼网,黑丝布,护栏网,六角网,输送带网,冲孔网,镀锌丝等。及各种规格的不锈钢圆片。广泛用于石油,化工,电子,冶金,医药,环境保护,国防等行业。还有高速公路、机场、体育场、工厂围栏网。产品远销欧,美,东南亚,港澳地区,及周边国家。      On here, we are able to provide good quality products for our customers,mainly stainless steel woven wire mesh, galvanized iron wire mesh and razor barbed wire products.Our stainless steel woven wire mesh series products include stainless steel square opening wire mesh (3-500mesh), stainless steel welded wire mesh ,stainless steel crimped wire mesh and insect screening stainless steel.Our iron woven wire mesh series products include galvanized iron wire and galvanized wire mesh (galvanized square woven wire mesh, galvanized welded wire mesh, galvanized hexagonal wire netting, galvanized crimped wire mesh and galvanized iron insect screening). Major materials we use for making of wire mesh are stainless steel wire or mild steel wire. Weaving patterns applied are Plain Weave, Twill Weave or Dutch Weave. Our wire mesh products find popular application in construction, filtration, isolation, mining , grading and protection. With rich experience in this field, we can provide reliable products for our customers. Anping Hongtong Wire Mesh CO., LTD. is a professional manufacturer of wire mesh and metal wire products.Located in Anping county, the famous Wire Mesh Production Base of China.We welcome enquiries from all countries of the world. We can assure you of our best attention of your requirements at all times
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 河北安平宏通丝网制品有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 张家营  
座机电话 7758822  
手机号码 15097350660   
传真号码 0318-753456  
其它联系 在线留言