
      哈尔滨亿达百程建材经销有限公司成立于1996年,哈尔滨重合同守信用企业,东三省**专业的文化石、砂岩、劈开砖、路转、复合大理石经销企业。       人无我有,人有我优,人优我廉是我公司的原则,以诚待人。以诚兴业是我公司的宗旨。       本公司长期以来,为东三省**房地产公司提供定点供货服务,公司的系列产品汇集韩国人造文化石、进口与国产砂岩、内外墙劈开砖、复合大理石、手工拉毛砖、毛面砖、古陶砖、路面砖、文化砖、仿古劈开砖、仿古青砖、真空砖、耐酸砖、标志砖、古堡砖、窑变砖、机制砖、机压砖、地缸砖、金条砖、花泥砖、挤出砖、植草砖、盲道砖、通体砖、无釉陶砖、砌块、黏土砖;古建砖瓦和陶瓷砖粘合剂,嵌缝剂、防返碱添加剂,陶砖**清洗剂。       公司自创立至今,秉承着“技术**,品质卓越”的诉求与理念,在同行业中建立了厚实的基础和优异的营运成绩,我们将一如既往地不懈努力,为您提供**佳服务,为客户创造价值. Harbin billion Tatsu hundred Cheng Building Materials Distribution Company Limited was established in 1996, Harbin contract and trustworthy enterprises, the Northeast 's most professional culture stone, sandstone, split brick, road turn, composite marble distribution enterprises. I have no people, I have gifted, gifted people I Lim is the principle of our company, treat people with sincerity. Sincerity industrial is the purpose of my company. The company a long time, for the three provinces in Northeast China well-known real estate companies to provide fixed-point supply services, company's products from South Korea artificial culture stone, imported and domestic sandstone, both inside and outside the wall, composite marble, manual Lamao brick, brick, brick, hair of ancient pottery brick road, cultural brick, antique split brick, antique brick, vacuum brick, brick, brick, brick castle symbol, kiln brick, brick mechanism, machine pressed bricks, brick, brick, gold flower mud brick, brick extruder, planting grass bricks, blind brick, brick, brick, block, an unglazed clay brick; ancient brick and ceramic tile adhesives, caulking agent, alkali proof additive, ceramic tile cleaning agent. Since its inception the company, adhering to the" leading technology, quality of excellence" the appeal and philosophy, in the industry to establish a solid foundation and excellent operating performance as in the past, we will make unremitting efforts, to provide you with the best service, creating value for customers.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 哈尔滨亿达百程建材经销有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 付经理  
座机电话 13359705051 13804561020  
其它联系 在线留言