发布时间 2020-03-12 13:57:38

Product Datasheet 产品说明书
Product name 产品名称 LT157 Monocoat Series LT157 塑胶单涂面漆系列 Product
description 产品描述 LT157
Product purpose 产品用途 汽车塑料内饰件、家电制品、摩托车塑料件等。
Product character 产品特性 干燥快,可自干或烘干。 外观优良,细腻均匀不掉漆。
Related products 配套产品 LN157- 06 Thinner-Weak LN157-06 稀释剂-弱溶剂 LN157
-20 Thinner -Standard LN157-20 稀释剂-标准 LM157 Retarder LM157防潮剂
Surface treatment 表面处理 Clean substrate with spirit wipe before
painting. Use electrostatic gun to remove static.
底材喷涂前请务必用除油剂擦拭干净,用静电枪帮助消除静电。 Wipe off grease, dust and
Application process 施工流程 Application methods 施工方法
Conventional spray 手工喷涂
Thinner 稀释剂
LN157-06/-20 Mixing ratio (colors : thinner) 混合比例(色漆 : 稀释剂)
1: 0.8~1.2 (by weight/重量比) Thereof retarder (optional,retarder :
thinner) 防潮剂用量比例(视情况加入,占稀释剂总量) 5-20% Spray viscosity
8-12 S/秒
Spray distance 喷涂距离(cm/厘米)
20-25 Spray nozzle 喷涂口径(mm/毫米)
Pressure 喷涂压力(Mpa)
0.4~0.6 Flash-off 层闪时间
1~5 min/分钟
Flow time 流平时间
2~5 min/分钟 Drying conditions 干燥条件
Air drying 自然干燥 ( 25?C ) Dust-free: 10 min 表干: 10分钟; Through dry:
24 Hrs 实干: 24小时 Forced drying 强制干燥 70℃,30min 70℃,30分钟
Important notes 注意事项: 一般用手工喷涂,但有时候塑料表面经处理也可用于静电喷涂。
Dry film performance 干膜性能* Item 项目
Specification 指标 Hardness 硬度(GB6739) 1H Alcohol resistance(99.5%
ethanol, 0.5kgf back and forth) 耐醇性(99.5%乙醇,500克力来回)
Times of rub-through to substrate >100 times 露底次数>100次之后
Abradation resistance (Taber5700 Linear Abraser,CF-10 rubber,500g,
speed: 1 inch/min ) 耐干磨性能(Taber5700 Linear
Abraser仪器,CF-10橡皮,500克,1英寸/分钟移行速度) Times of rub-through to
substrate >500 times 露底次数>500次之后 Resistance to cool-hot
circle(-20℃×2Hr? room temperature 1 Hr ? 70℃×2 Hr ? room
temperature 1 Hr) 耐高低温循环性(-20℃×2小时 ?室温 1 小时? 70℃×2小时 ?室温 1 小时) 10
circles 10次循环 Humidity resistance(40℃×95%RH) 耐湿热性 (40℃×95%相对湿度)
>120Hrs/小时 Non-viscous property(foam polyethylene, 0.5kgf, 60℃)
>48 Hrs/小时
Weather resistance(xenon lamp, gloss holding ratio>95%,ΔE<0.5)
>200 Hrs/小时 Heat resistance 耐热性(60℃)
>120 Hrs/小时
Acid resistance (0.1N H2SO4 ,25℃) 耐酸性 (0.1N 硫酸 ,25℃)
>24 Hrs/小时 Alkali resistance (0.1N NaOH ,25℃) 耐碱性 (0.1N 氢氧化钠
>24 Hrs/小时
Resistance to water (distilled water dripping, 55℃) 耐水性
>4 Hrs/小时
*Above mentioned results are worked out on below test panel, in an
ordinary lab environment. Result will be different under other
circumstance thus pre-test is strongly recommended.
Test panel测试板材: Dry film thickness 10~15 micron, after 30min baking
at 70℃hold for 72hrs before any tests.
联系人 | 王顺发 |
联系电话 | 0769-23362281-8003 13509205282 |
地址 | 东莞市东城区东城中路南81号辉煌商务大厦7楼D区D22-D23 |
邮箱 | wsfhangao@163.com |