
. 舒适·康福特工贸有限公司,屹立于风景优美、气势磅礴的长江之畔,地处九省通衢、水陆交通便利的经济开发区,吸荆楚之灵气,得科技之精华,商贾翩翩一片繁荣。     舒适·康福特是国内专业从事整体厨房家具与入墙衣柜书柜等板式家具制作的公司,公司下辖生产部、企划部、营销部、人力资源部、内务部;是集科研、生产、销售为一体的现代企业,公司秉承"求品质、树品牌"之精神,全面实行现代化管理。拥有世界**的(德国豪迈)生产线和高素质、重个性的、懂生活的设计师及高级管理人员。同时拥有服务周到热忱、技术精湛的宠大安装队伍等,是目前橱柜行业规模较大的生产企业之一。     精良的设计深谙专业人士崇尚西方厨房的精粹所在,每个细节的设计都倾注了专业的构思,极富效益实用,所选材料皆为国际****材料。特别推出整体厨房的系列产品:标准柜休、厨门、五金配件、台面、橱电等。依据品质配套,又冠以叱咤风云系列、温馨港湾系列、柏林之风系列等。     选择舒适·康福特,便选择了优秀的质量与完善的服务,便选择了健康的厨房,选择了幸福的生活!   Localted in the thoroughfare of nine provinces,COMFORT.FT industrial Trade Co.Ltd. stands on the pictureque bank of ever-roaring Changjiang River and on the Economic Devilopment Zone of Wuhan,where the transportation is well developed by air,water and land ,the business is prosperous and the intellctuals and advanced technologies are concentrated. COMFORT.FT is a manufacture-production company with enter-wall combined the research,production and sale as a whole with production department ,Enterprise planning department,sales department,human resourde departemnt and the departemnt of which charge of internal fairs as it also has qualified designers who knows the lift well and who well pay much attention to the custormer"s personality. It has a number skill worker who will dealwith installation. The company is a big one of it"s kind with modernized management and "good quality","well-know" brand as it"s spirit. With the best chosen materials,the excellent design of the furniture which shows the deep understanding of the western idea of kitchen of the designers,and the details demonstrate the professional conception of the workers.The kitchen is very practical.Special recommendation:stander sized drobe,kitchen door,metal fittings,platform-ssurface,and power setter,ect. they are also named as the series of "all powerful","warm-harbor" and "Berlin"s wind". When CoMFORT.FT is your choice,you have all your convenience:outstanding quality,perfect service,a disease-free kitchen and a happy life!
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 舒适.康福特橱柜 普通商家  
联系人 胡经理  
座机电话 027-88911992  
其它联系 在线留言