
 德累斯顿位于德国东部的易北河畔。这个城市有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化底蕴。早在17世纪奥古斯塔斯时期,德累斯顿已是一个闪耀着璀璨光芒,充满浪漫主义色彩的城市。德累斯顿有许多**的景点,如Ruine Der Frauenkirche,Zwinger,这些地方收藏了梅森的瓷器,拉斐尔的《西斯庭圣母》(画像)等。这个城市的历史和它优美的环境相关。更重要的是在这个城市的周围有充足的森林资源。     德累斯顿强化地板是我公司高科技研制的成果。它提供各种色系供你选择,可以如你所好来展示出你家庭装修的风格。特别是该地板易清洗,不褪色且易安装。除此之外,我们的售后服务可以即时解决你所遇到的任何问题。这就是德累斯顿强化地板。    Drdsden is in the of Germany by the Elbe.The city has long history and plenty of rulture.Dresden had been a city of luminosity ,the important German city of romanticism,during the Augustus the Strong in the 17th century.There are many excellent sights as Ruine Der Frauenkirche,Zwinger,which collects Meissen china and Raphaels Sistine Madonna,etc And the history of the city is related with its beautiful environment.Especially,there are abundant resouces of forests nearby.    The DREDEN strengthen floor is the result of our high technology research.It has a lot of color systems for you to show your own family styles as your pleasure.Especially ,the floor also is easy-cleaning,not-fade and wearable.Besides,our after service will solve any problems when you meet them in time.That is DRESDEN stengthen floor.  
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厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
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主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 成都德累斯顿有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 廖经理  
座机电话 028-81369813  
手机号码 13980982691   
传真号码 028-83079300  
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