
上虞新天地防水材料有限公司座落于风景秀丽的浙江杭州湾精细化工园区,占地50000平方米,拥有高级工程师、技术人员26人,公司拥有二条年产800万平方米的防水卷材生产线,是一家集科研、开发、生产、销售、设计、施工于一体的综合实力较强的防水材料生产企业,主要生产“晴光”、“群升”两大品牌的弹性体(SBS)改性沥青卷材、塑性体(APP)改性沥青卷材、复合胎柔性沥青卷材,沥青瓦等国标产品及客户特定需要的其它防水系列产品。   公司自成立以来,始终本着“诚信为本,客户至上”的经营理念,与国内众多**房地产开发商建立了长久的合作关系,防水材料广泛应用于一大批经典工程,得到了用户的认可和信赖,公司经过多年的发展,现已成为防水界一颗璀璨的明星。   公司生产的所有产品秉承“科技创新,优质服务”的宗旨。为了使产品具备卓越的性能,产品生产中的每道工艺都是经过研发部门的精心设计和测试。产品的生产,从挑选原料,到生产加工,直至成品检测,都严格遵循业内质量控制规则。公司更致力于客户对产品的实际使用,对客户在使用过程中都将提供全方位的培训与跟踪。 自强不息的群升人,诚挚感谢社会各界多年来对群升的关注与支持。     勇于创新的群升人,真心祈盼与国内外同行挚手奋进、共创辉煌。 诚信为本的群升人,愿与国内外广大用户精诚合作、团结进取,共创精品工程。 “群升人面前无困难”是本公司企业文化的精髓,是群升人不断开拓,勇于进取,知难而上,团结拼搏的真实写照;群升人艰苦创业、兢兢业业工作、踏踏实实做人、诚心诚意交友、全心全意服务、与时俱进稳健发展,使公司规模不断壮大。 公司总经理郑群携全体员工向广大用户致以亲切的问候,并真诚欢迎广大志士仁人来我厂或来电来函洽谈业务.。 *About us        NEW WORLD waterproofing material limited company is locatedto chemical industrygarden area of the Zhejiang Hangzhou Bay in China. Company has 26 senior engineers, engineers, the technical personnels. The company has two production lines of ,meterswaterproof membrane to yearly produced 8 million square. The comprehensive of company is strengthstronger ,It collectioned scientific research, development, tproduction, thesale, design, construction to a body. The main produc is elastomers (SBS) the modified bitumen membrane material and the plasticbody (APP) the modified bitumen membrane and flexible compound bitumen waterproof membrane and colour asphlt shingle and waterproof coating of two brands "SUNSHINE"、 "RISE",Are drainings GB code product and thecustomer specific of the grey tile other waterproof seriesproducts.   The company produces all products receive the technical product,high-quality service objective, In order to cause the product to have the remarkable performance, inproduct production each craft all is the process research anddevelopment department"s careful design and the test. Product production, from choice raw material, to productionprocessing, until end product examination, all strictly followingindustry in quality control rule.. The company devotes to the customer to the product actual use, all will provide omni-directional training and the track to the customerin the use process.      Advantage on International Management   To create the No.1 brand with all efforts:   *Management system for research, development and project;   *Management system for quality inspection in the manufacturing process flow:   *Management system for design consultation and excellent service of waterproof      engineering:   *Management system for market development, sales, information network customer asset   archives.   Advantage on Qualification and Construction   The Company gets the national Class 2 qualification for professional waterproof      construction;   Be capable of designing waterproof project programs;   Be capable of undertaking all kinds of waterproof engineering constructions;   Be capable of fulfilling the quality standards set by owners and safety objectives,    mplementing contracts and completing projects in prescribed time limit;   Be capable of reducing cost and saving expenses for owners through technical schemes   and technical measures;   Be capable of keeping good long-term relationship with owners due to good communication.   Advantage on Technical Test and Technical Guarantee   There are large high-tech, high-precision and top-level professional equipments in our technical system, including scores of measuring and testing instruments. From the entrance of raw material into our company, to the manufacturing process, to the entrance into warehouse of finished products, to the finial delivery of products from our company, we are strict on quality inspection in every step and of every batch; random inspection is carried out in strict accordance with the national waterproof quality standards. Our rate of qualified exfactory products reaches 100%.   Advantage on Market Orientation   NEW-WORLD is brought up by the market and driven on by the demands of customers. It, with full confidence, is sparing no efforts to develop technique and improve quality. It is kept on the top of international waterproof industry due to its scientific management, high-starting-point policy and high quality awareness. Aiming to become a centurial enterprise, it is insisting on international and normative management, taking credit and faith as the root of life, determining to reward the society with high-quality products, professional technical support and sincere after-sales service and carrying out its brand strategy at full.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 浙江上虞新天地防水材料有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 郑先生  
座机电话 0575-82738787  
传真号码 0575-82727887  
其它联系 在线留言