
洛阳阳光中空玻璃有限公司拥有本行业**先进的专业中空玻璃加工设备制造商DEGA的全自动中空玻璃生产线、双组份打胶机、丁基胶机、分子筛罐装机、密封旋转作业台、磨边机、中空玻璃充气机等全套先进设备。 阳光中空生产的中空玻璃原片采用亚洲**大的浮法玻璃生产商洛玻集团的优质透明浮法玻璃、镀膜玻璃、LOW-E玻璃、钢化玻璃、着色玻璃、夹丝玻璃等。年产10万平方米中空玻璃和10万平方米建筑幕墙玻璃。 公司以科技为先导,拥有一批高、中级技术人员。设计、管理、质控已实现微机化,可按用户的不同需求组织、设计、生产、施工安装。产品畅销国内外。 Luoyang Sunshine Insulating Glass Co.,Ltd. possesses a whole set of advanced equipments such as Automatic Insulating Glass Production Line from DEGA, the most advanced professional insulating glass equipment producer, thiokol extruder with refrigerator, butyl extruder, desiccant filling machine, rotating sealing table, edge polishing machine and inflator insulating glass machine. The sealed insulating glass unit produced by our company features raw glass as fine clear float glass, coated glass, Low-E glass, patterned glass (tempered glass), toned glass and wired glass made by Luoyang Float Glass Group Co.,Ltd, the leading float glass producer in Asia. We now have an annual production capability of 100,000 m2of sealed insulating glass unit and 100,000 m2 of curtain wall. Pioneered by Science & Tech, Sunshine has a team composed of many senior and qualified designers and construction engineers who design with advanced computer network. We can design, organize, produce and install according to customers’ various requirements. Our products enjoy a fast sale at home and abroad, winning a high reputation in global market.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 中空玻璃 普通商家  
联系人 李红梅  
座机电话 0379-7312980  
手机号码 13803883269   
传真号码 0379-7312218  
其它联系 在线留言