
宁波市华隆机械有限公司,是集科研,开发制造销售于一体的高科技实业公司,地处长江三角洲及美丽富饶的东海之滨,具有机械模具制造强市—宁波市。毗邻杭州、温州、上海,纵横的高速公路、铁路、海运、空运贯穿其间,地理位置优越,交通十分便捷。    自2000年开办以来,本公司全体员工凭借长期从事建材开发、生产和应用中的经验,不断推出价廉物美、使用可靠、具有国际先进水平的多种新型建材机械(国家专利产品)如HLQ5-30系列型全自动混凝土砌块成型机、HL-125C系列模压式水泥瓦成型机、轮碾搅拌机、行星加轮碾搅拌机、HL-T5型全自动喷涂机、水磨石磨光机等。同时配套生产各种混凝土外加剂及辅助材料。产品已销往全国各地及海外地区,并以**的产品,**的售后服务赢得了国内外客商的满意.    在激烈的市场竞争中,企业逐步壮大起来,公司将以“精于技术,诚于客户”为企业精神,不断推陈出新,不断为建材同仁奉献行业精品。   The HuaLong Machinery CO.LTD of Ningbo is collect scientific research , develop and sell it in the integrative Hi-Tech industry company in China. Is situated at the Changjiang River delta and rich of the beautiful East China Sea shore, has the mechanical mold manufacture forced purchase-Ningbo City.Adjoins Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai; During the vertically and horizontally highway, the railroad, the marine transportation, the aerial transport pass through, The geographical position superior, and the transportation is extremely convenient.   Since start years of 2000, all staff Relies on is engaged in the building materials development, the production and the application experience for a long time and Promotes the Low-price quality merchandise, the use unceasingly is reliable, has the international advanced level the many kinds of new building materials machinery (National monopoly product),Like HLQ5-30 completely automatic artificial brick shaper, HL-125C automatic cement roof tile forming machine, The wheel grinds the mixer,Planet and the wheel grinds the mixer, HL-T5 completely automatic spraying machine,Terrazzo polishing enginecement brick machine Etc, At the same time the necessary production each kind of concrete sur-medicinal preparation and the shop help the material. The product has sold to each place and the overseas area and by the first-class product, the first-class post-sale service has won domestic and foreign merchants satisfaction.    The company have been expands gradually In intense market competition, The company will be by "skilled in the technology, honestly in customer" for enterprise spirit.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 宁波华隆机械有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 查文智  
座机电话 0574-28836779  
手机号码 13967836364   
传真号码 0574-88000985  
其它联系 在线留言