
四川金致尚品门窗有限公司位于地理位置得天独厚、交通网络极其便利的中国高端铝门窗生产基地广汉市,生产基地占地面积达20000多平方米,主要生产高档铝门窗系列产品,是一家集研发、设计、制作、营销为一体的大型现代化企业。 公司前身为四川金致工艺玻璃有限公司,始创于2008年,2014年全面转型为高端铝门窗的研发和生产,经过公司团队的锐意进取,务实创新,已成功转型为中国成长性**好的高端铝门窗公司,超常规发展速度,已引发行业的广泛关注。 公司产品现已汇集平开门、折叠门、吊趟门、推拉门、电动百叶窗、推拉窗、平开窗、阳光房、铝木一体窗等一系列覆盖大部分室内外门窗产品。销售网络迅速覆盖川渝全境,并已成功开拓云贵市场、陕甘区域,销售服务网点达500余家,缔造了中国建材业的“金致尚品速度”。 公司拥有来自德国的世界先进生产设备,月均可产各种铝合金门窗3万㎡,公司严格按照ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,ISO14001国际环境管理体系认证要求进行生产和管理。公司全面实行ERP企业管理系统,实现计划、销售、生产、物流、仓储一体化的计算机网络化管理,从原材料的入库、订单的下达到成品出库全部由电脑进行监控。公司严把质量关,在供应环节,对原材料供应商进行严格的质量要求,所选用铝材全是由行业内规模大、质量好、信誉高的铝材生产企业。在生产质检环节,公司实行对每一件产品的每一个细节都进行严格的自检,互检,抽检的流程,力求为消费者提供优质、**的产品。   Gold doors and windows is a collection of R & D, design, production, sales and service in one of the professional manufacturers, the company has devoted all their efforts to each product, and strive to achieve perfection in every detail. Division I continue to launch new products. We production upscale wardrobe door series products, and have the characteristics of deformation, do not fade, fast, resistant to moisture etc., truly the first door. Product specifications, design, color can be designed according to customer requirements, with a high spirit, as well as practical, for you to create a noble and elegant quality of life. The company adhere to the quality of the service oriented, user oriented standards, promise to keep credit, excellence, pioneering and enterprising, realistic and innovative spirit of enterprise. Since the establishment of the company, and strive to establish a good corporate image, with the current domestic advanced production technology. Engaged in various types of high-grade titanium alloy doors and windows of the design and manufacture for many years, experienced, excellent technology, reasonable price. Our company produces the products and diverse styles, variety, high quality, reasonable price, the products from the styles of design to the selection of raw materials, after repeated testing, assembly of professional technicians and fine processing technology, both in style, or the quality technology and the style are in position to lead the trend, is one of the many star hotels, luxury flats and villas of the superior choice. Is willing to work with the majority of colleagues, customers sincere cooperation, create brilliant!
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 四川金致尚品门窗有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 范先生  
座机电话 400-028-9028  
手机号码 13258296868   
其它联系 在线留言