
蔻彩环保科技(上海)有限公司是欧洲**环保科技企业荷兰“COLDEC”公司在亚太地区授权的总部。COLDEC作为一家历史悠久的全球性化工企业,诞生于化工强国荷兰,总部设在阿姆斯特丹,拥有花园式的环保工厂与设备齐全的大型实验室。成立至今已经有近40年的历史,在德国、法国、瑞典、比利时、俄罗斯等均设有分公司。主要以研发及生产环保型艺术涂料及各类工业涂料为核心。合作伙伴包括ICI、DAW、RPM、Valspar等大型集团,业务范围遍布欧、美、亚洲的各个国家。 2015年,COLDEC正式进驻中国市场,以“淘儿仕”品牌为切入点,以原装进口、安全环保、儿童益智等独特功能性墙面材料为特色,迅速的在儿童漆市场中占得一席之地,短时间内品牌专卖店迅速蔓延至全国主要城市。 2017年,在经历一年的市场调研后,COLDEC在中国推出了公司的核心品牌“蔻帝”彩艺系列产品。该系列定位100%欧洲原装进口的高端墙面定制,无论从风格上,品质上,还是工艺上,都将COLDEC近40年的深厚底蕴展现的淋漓尽致,给中国消费者带来风靡欧美的墙面装饰材料。可以预见,“蔻帝”品牌定能在中国市场大放异彩,引领墙面新时代的到来! COLDEC提供的不仅仅是环保美丽的墙面装饰材料,更是将来自欧洲的艺术和灵感,带入您的生活! Coldec Shanghai Enviro Tech Co., LTD. is the Asia Pacific Region headquarters authorized by Netherlands COLDEC Company which has famous environmental protection technology business in Europe. As global chemical industry company, COLDEC has a long history and was born in chemical power Netherlands. The headquarter of the company is located in Amsterdam with garden-style chemical factory and well-equipped laboratory. Our company has already 40 years history, with a lot of branches in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Russia and so on. COLDEC has cored on research and development the environmental art paint and industrial paint, with a lot of partners includes ICI, DAW, RPM, Valspar and large groups, and business in Europe, U.S. and Asia. COLDEC entered the Chinese Market in 2015 and start from Taller’s brand. Taller’s has famous for the unique function paint, such as original import, environment&safety, children education, etc. And occupy a place in the market of children paint quickly, brand store spreading rapidly in China. After a year of market research, in 2017, COLDEC has launched brand core “Studio Coldec”with color art series in China. The series designing haunter wall couture with 100% imported from Europe. Whatever in style, quality and tectonics has clearly to shown that COLDEC has rich in products nearly 40 years, provide the Chinese customers with popular metope adornment material. It is conceivable that “Studio Coldec”brand must has prospering in Chinese market, and lead the wall to meet new age. We not only provide environmental and beauty metope adornment material, but also bring art and inspiration from Europe into your life.
注册资本(¥) 500万 公司成立时间 2013-05-07
公司注册地 上海 法人/负责人 魏琳琳
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 0 平方米 品牌名称 COLDEC蔻帝
员工人数 5 人以下 研发部门人数 5 人以下
年营业额 人民币 10 万元/年以下
管理体系认证 ISO 9001 质量控制 第三方
主要市场 大陆,东欧 主要客户群



公司名称 蔻彩环保科技(上海)有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 杨小姐  
座机电话 021-60197078  
手机号码 13564652715   
其它联系 在线留言