
      深圳市百音汇科技有限公司,是一家主要经营光电保护器、安全光栅、安全光幕及冲床周边设备、自动化设备为主的生产型企业。自2001成立以来,始终坚持以人为本,以创新为发展动力,秉承“质量筑品牌,服务创未来”的经营理念,百音汇公司为打造民族名牌而做出了不懈的努力,深受主流媒体、社会公众和广大消费者好评。 公司的主营生产光电保护器、安全光栅、安全光幕是中国**大的光电保护器生产厂家之一;是大型的区域传感器生产企业.可来厂实地考查,一般纳税企业,以品种齐全、明码标价的优势,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,赢得了广大客户的一致好评。全国30多家代理商,欢迎各地经销商来厂来电洽谈合作。选百音汇公司光电保护器、安全光栅、安全光幕质量售后有保障. 百音汇公司系中国机电专业委员会团体单位成员之一;且重合同、守信用,被授予中国中轻质量、信誉双保障示范单位;是《中国机电网》、《中国机械网》、机电行业常务理事单位;是全国产品质量、服务无投诉用户满意品牌。        Shenzhen hundred hui technology co., LTD., is a mainly engaged in photoelectric protector, safety grating, safety light curtain and punch surrounding equipment, automation equipment mainly production-oriented enterprises. Since 2001 since its inception, always adhere to the people-oriented, development by innovation, adhering to the "quality cast brand, service creates future" business philosophy, to build national brands and best sound remit company has made unremitting efforts, well received by the mainstream media, the social public, and consumers. The company's main production of photoelectric protector, safety grating, safety light curtain is one of the largest photoelectric protector manufacturers in China; Is a large area of sensor manufacturers. Can come to plant on-the-spot examination, general tax payment enterprise, with complete varieties, plain code marks a price advantage, it enjoys a high status among consumers, has won the general customers the consistent high praise. The country more than 30 agents, welcome all dealers to plant calls to discuss cooperation. Choose best sound photoelectric protector, safety grating, safety light curtain after-sales guaranteed quality. Best sound remit company is one of member units of China electrical and mechanical professional committee group; And heavy contract, keep promise, was awarded the light quality, the prestige double safeguard demonstration unit in China; Is China's mechanical and electrical network, China machinery network, electrical and mechanical industry standing director unit; 11-year-no-complain legend is the national product quality, service, customer satisfaction brand.  
注册资本(¥) 130万 公司成立时间 2011-06-01
公司注册地 中国 广东 深圳 法人/负责人 刘立俊
开户银行 工商银行观澜支行 帐号 4000055639100181052
厂房面积 1000 平方米 品牌名称 更豪
员工人数 51 - 100 人 研发部门人数 6 - 20 人
年营业额 人民币 1000 万元/年 - 2000 万元/年
管理体系认证 ISO 9000 质量控制 内部
主要市场 大陆,东南亚 主要客户群 锻压机床厂、汽车制造厂、电器生产厂



公司名称 深圳市百音汇科技有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 谭源  
座机电话 0755-29847588  
手机号码 13760150228   
传真号码 0755-29847570  
其它联系 在线留言