
陶瓷是“土与火”的艺术,陶瓷的历史也是中华民族薪火相传的文明史。景德镇拥有2000多年的制瓷历史,具有“集天下各窑之大成,汇全国技艺之精华”的精湛技艺。当代的景德镇陶瓷,不仅把精髓融为一体,更以强烈的现代陶瓷技术引导建筑陶瓷新潮流。 景德镇圣泰陶瓷有限公司座落于驰名中外的中国景德镇陶瓷工业园,属于江西省重点企业。本公司引进国际**全自动生产线,为专业的高级彩釉瓷瓦生产企业。凭借景德镇特有的瓷土资源,优秀的人文技术,采用科学的配方,经高温烧制出多种规格色彩的高级彩釉瓷瓦及各类附件。 产品质地优良、美观高雅、色彩丰富,并具有强度高、重量轻、平整度好、吸水率低、超强抗冻、永不褪色、防水隔热、施工简单、规格齐全、综合成本低,等显著优点。产品各项技术指标均高于国家标准,达国际**水准。是新城市、新农村建设较理想的屋面材料,深受国内外专家和用户的青睐。 公司热忱欢迎广大用户光临,企业将坚持质量**、用户**、信誉**、服务**的经营理念,与您共取双赢、共创美好未来! ShengTai Ceramics Co., Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen porcelain are well known at home. Located in the beautiful scenery of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang provinces .206 at the junction of State Road, waterways, railways, high-speed through intersection, the traffic is very convenient. The Company is a professional ceramic tile production enterprises, and use the purple sand unique Yixing mud as raw materials, to a scientific formula, the first, fully automated production lines, development and production of a variety of specifications and a variety of colours senior GLAZE ceramic tile, and various types of glass accessories. fine texture products. modeling Tianya, complete specifications, Youse rich. richest of the rich ethnic colors, widely used in hotels, residential. temples, pavilions and various classical landscape architecture, the building is the best one of the decorative material. Waterproof product has a unique structure, a high temperature firing from 1250 degrees Celsius, the level of roof from the tower roof to apply, with low water absorption, ultra-antifreeze, never legs significant advantages, such as color, cement tile. Traditional glazed tile r e p l a c ement ideal species, various technical indicators, the leading domestic level, the products are well received by domestic and foreign experts and users favor. The company also specializing in the production of high-grade purple sand split brick, old brick. Used in the products. High-grade construction and construction group, the external decoration and garden pathways, focusing on the construction of cultural connotation and individual requirements, and its simple, natural, Smoothing the decorative style favored by. Company customers warmly welcome presence, enterprises will insist that quality comes first, users credit first, service first business philosophy, and you have admitted a win-win situation for a better future.
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公司注册地 法人/负责人
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厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 景德镇圣泰陶瓷 普通商家  
联系人 叶辉  
座机电话 13517988755  
手机号码 13517988755   
传真号码 0798-2816388  
其它联系 在线留言