
alt alt alt alt 信阳珍珠岩浙江珍珠岩江苏珍珠岩杭州珍珠岩扬州珍珠岩宁波珍珠岩温州珍珠岩南京珍珠岩销售电话 13938226814 QQ:303690184 传真:0376-63793718 珍珠岩交流群:40942906『信阳珍珠岩浙江珍珠岩江苏珍珠岩杭州珍珠岩扬州珍珠岩宁波珍珠岩温州珍珠岩南京珍珠岩销售电话 13938226814 QQ:303690184 传真:0376-63793718 珍珠岩交流群:40942906』『信阳珍珠岩浙江珍珠岩江苏珍珠岩杭州珍珠岩扬州珍珠岩宁波珍珠岩温州珍珠岩南京珍珠岩销售电话 13938226814 QQ:303690184 传真:0376-63793718 珍珠岩交流群:40942906』本公司是专营销售新型墙体材料、保温材料的专业厂家。主要销售:膨胀珍珠岩粉(散料)、珍珠岩憎水保温板(砖、瓦)、珍珠岩助滤剂、硅酸铝纤维棉、超细硅酸铝等新型环保产品。 信阳市平桥区中信保温建材厂是专营销售新型墙体材料、保温材料的专业厂家。专业生产:珍珠岩;珍珠岩保温板;膨胀珍珠岩;珍珠岩保温管材;闭孔珍珠岩;珍珠岩保温砖;玻化微珠保温砂浆;珍珠岩助滤剂;珍珠岩除渣剂;珍珠岩覆盖剂;园艺珍珠岩;保温珠光砂;珍珠岩保温建材;珍珠岩保温砂浆;玻化微珠;膨润土;珍珠岩磨料;玻化微珠;空心微珠;白色沸石粉;等珍珠岩相关制品的专业厂家。      公司一直致力于珍珠岩等非金属矿产资源的开发和应用研究,下属有中信珍珠岩销售(郑州)分公司、中信珍珠岩浙江办事处、武汉中信珍珠岩销售分公司三家单位,是从事研发、生产、销售和施工为一体的专业化老牌企业。现有厂区面积26700平方米,厂房、库房建筑面积9000平方米,员工50余人,其中中高级专业技术人才6人。现有珍珠岩九大系列一百余种产品,行销全国建筑、钢铁、耐火材料、石油、化工、饮料等行业。其中普通膨胀珍珠岩产量40万立方米/年;表面熔结珍珠岩产量6000吨/年;珍珠岩防水保温板材8万立方米/年;珍珠岩助滤剂9000吨/年;珠光砂(超低温工程用膨胀珍珠岩)5000吨/年;等等。     公司位于河南省信阳市平桥工业区,与“亚洲**”的上天梯非金属矿毗邻。附近有国道107、312和铁路京广、宁西呈双十字交汇,具有原料优势和交通便利优势。  自1996年建厂以来,公司不断引进先进生产设备,现公司拥有先进窑型独特工艺设备,以煤粉为燃料的膨胀珍珠岩生产线,任意调节生产1~8毫米细、中、粗、特粗膨胀珍珠岩系列产品:其中细料供空分、槽车、制氧机等深冷设备以及炸药敏爆剂;中料以不同粘结剂配制多种珍珠岩制品;粗料又分酸碱性二类,由上海市园林研究所监制**农业、园艺应用;特粗料出口韩国 、新加坡、东南亚地区;憎水珍珠岩制品、PPM袋装保温粉刷料供一般建筑节能、节能住宅外墙内保温;SPLM桥头接坡珍珠岩轻质填料已广泛应用于国内各大桥梁道路工程的建设。公司利用膨胀珍珠岩生产线余热,研制成憎水膨胀珍珠岩。 低温设备**膨胀珍珠岩,低温设备**憎水膨胀珍珠岩由于具有独特的抗水性能,因此更适用于低温设备以及液化天然气(LNG-162℃)槽船、槽车等绝热,公司下属信阳平桥珍珠岩助滤剂厂生产的BN(AG)型珍珠岩助滤剂,获得河南省食品卫生卫生部门的认可。公司具有二条膨胀珍珠岩生产线,生产工艺过程采用DCS(DISTRIBUTE CONTROL SYSTEM)系统使用公司的TPS系统对整个装置进行过程控制、实时操作和工厂信息一体化,其中以煤气为燃料的膨胀珍珠岩生产线,是国内**大的膨胀珍珠岩产品的生产线,专门生产珍珠岩助滤剂原料.充分顾及膨胀珍珠岩质量是影响珍珠岩助滤剂的主要因素.由于膨胀珍珠岩质量稳定,颗粒强度高,从根本上保证了BN(AG)型珍珠岩助滤剂的产品质量. 珍珠岩助滤剂的主要用途由水、油、酒类、制药、血浆、食品、酵母, 珍珠岩助滤剂已被国家规定为食品加工剂,在国内外被广泛采用。特别是在啤酒、味精、葡萄糖、饮料、果糖、果汁、果酒、食盐、麦汁淀粉、谷物糖浆、植物油、纯净水、油漆、石油、化工、纺织工业、化学药品等生产过滤工艺中均是理想、可靠的助剂。其特点是滤速快、滤过量大、操作简便,对产品质量无影响;使用过程中耗量少(堆积密度比硅藻土轻20%),成本低,适于多种类型的过滤设备,效益十分显著。 使用方法与硅藻土完全相同。用做啤酒、饮料、果汁等产品的过滤. 自建厂以来,公司以丰富优质的原料为资源,一直以质量和信誉并重的原则不断更新设备、改进技术,提高商誉。对客户诚实守信,“一切以客户为重”作为宗旨,赢得了众多厂矿企业和建筑业的信赖和支持,使我们的市场占有份额得到迅速发展。本公司以优质的产品,良好的售后服务,原与广大新老客户精诚合作,为我国珍珠岩助滤剂产品开发创新,贡献我们的微薄力量. 主营产品或服务:销售:珍珠岩,农业、园艺应用珍珠岩;憎水珍珠岩制品;炸药敏爆剂;PPM袋装保温粉刷料;SPLM桥头接坡珍珠岩轻质填料;APP珍珠岩吸声砖 。  产品说明:珠光砂是一种由酸性火山玻璃质熔岩经破碎、预热、焙烧膨胀而制成的具有多孔结构的、白色、粒状松散材料、具有容量小、导热系数低、化学稳定性好、不燃、无毒、无味、吸音等特性。珠光砂(超低温超力工程用膨胀珍珠岩)是由粉选精选小粒经矿砂在垂直立窑以天然气作热源,加热膨胀所获得的产品,其中加强型产品是在膨胀珍珠岩表面喷涂有机硅,形成憎水结构。产品色泽、容重、规格类似于普通膨胀珍珠岩。本产品主要用于大型超低温热力工程保温层施工,如制氧空分机组、天然气、液氢、液氮、液氧冷冻运输车船等。本产品具有良好的超低温保温性能,产品质量优于欧洲船级社标准要求。珍珠岩粉本公司生产的珍珠岩粉,产品颗粒大、抗压性强、透气性好,是您提高土壤透气性、含氧性的理想产品。本公司可提供产品样品欢迎来电咨询。 我厂目前技术员工100多人,具有年产珍珠岩粉10000立方,10000吨珍珠岩助滤剂,18000吨球形闭孔珍珠岩,12000立方珠光砂的先进生产线。我厂的珍珠岩助滤剂取得省级质量认证,在全国的啤酒;味精;饮料;食油;化工等行业厂家广泛应用,产品质量稳定,受到了众多拥护的普遍好评。欢迎各界客户光临我厂参观、指导、洽谈业务,我们将以优质的产品、真诚周到的服务等待您的惠顾。球型闭孔珍珠岩球形闭孔珍珠岩(又称玻化微珠),是我公司与国内科研部门近十年合作研发成功的一种保温、隔热新材料。该产品是一种以低吸水率和高强度为特征的新型绝热材料,源自亚洲**大珍珠岩矿—上天梯珍珠岩矿,经矿砂处理→自动给料→预热→自动下料→多级加热→产品冷处理与自动传输→产品收集→产品分级→计量包装→入库。该产品经电炉高温膨胀,使膨胀后的珍珠岩颗粒表面呈微圆型且有着连续的玻化外壳,孔隙封闭而内部基本为空心结构。 技术性能:技术性能比较 本产品 传统珍珠岩产品粒度(mm) 0.1-1.5 0.15-3 容重(Kg/m3) 100-200 70-250 导热系数(w/m.k) 0.047-0.054 0.047-0.054 成球率 70-90% 0 闭孔率 ≥95% 0 吸水率(真空抽滤法测定的%) 50-85 360-480 筒压强度(1Mpa压力的体积损失率) 38%-46% 76%-83% 耐火度 1280-1360℃ 1250-1300℃ 使用温度 800℃以下 750℃以下主要用途:该产品具有强度高,吸水率低,易分散等显著特点,可提高砂浆流动性,广泛应用于墙体内外保温砂浆、装饰板、保温板的轻质骨料使用,同时可代替部分漂珠使用。还可作为建筑、冶金、工业窑炉(轻质耐火砖方面)等行业使用珍珠岩防水保温制品珠岩防水保温制品 珍珠岩防水保温制品是经普通膨胀珍珠岩与防水粘结剂混合、压制、烘干等工艺加工成一定规格的板材或弧形瓦。该产品具有防水、容重轻、强度高、易施工等一系列特点。 该产品板材适用于建筑屋面防水保温层、地下结构防水保温结构施工,外墙保温框架施工等。产品规格500×300×(40~160)mm;并具有找坡形板材。该产品弧形瓦主要用于高低温热力工程保温。特殊需要视客户要求组织产品生产。信阳珍珠岩销售电话 13938226814 QQ:303690184 珍珠岩交流群:40942906本公司是专营销售新型墙体材料、保温材料的专业厂家。主要销售:膨胀珍珠岩粉(散料)、珍珠岩憎水保温板(砖、瓦)、珍珠岩助滤剂、硅酸铝纤维棉、超细硅酸铝等新型环保产品。 China Limited Xinyang perlite sales of existing perlite Congress a series of more than 100 kinds of products, marketing of the construction, steel, refractory materials, petroleum, chemicals, beverages and other industries. One general perlite yield 400,000 cubic meters / year; surface melting guitar perlite yield 6,000 tons / year; perlite insulation waterproof sheet 80,000 cubic meters / year; perlite filter aid 9,000 tons / year; pearl sand (ultra-low temperature Engineering perlite) 5,000 tons / year, and so on. Company is located in Xinyang City of Henan Province Pingqiao industrial zones, and "Asia first" non-metallic mineral Shangtianti adjacent. State Road near 107,312 and the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Ningxi a double-cross intersection, with raw materials and advantages of convenient transportation advantages. The company believes in "raw materials first, quality first, the credibility of the first" true meaning of the market economy, operating on the implementation of the "customers are relatives, the most crucial win-win" strategy, sincerely welcome new and old customers at home and abroad! The franchise is for sale new wall materials, insulation materials professional manufacturers. Major: perlite powder (bulk), perlite hydrophobic insulation board (brick, tile), perlite filter aid, silicate cotton fiber, ultra-fine aluminum, and other new environmentally friendly products. Since 1996, build factories, companies continue to introduce advanced production equipment, the company has advanced kiln is a unique type of equipment to pulverized coal to fuel the expansion of perlite production lines, arbitrary regulation 1 to 8 mm production small, medium and coarse, rough special Perlite products: one fine material for air-tankers, oxygen and other cryogenic equipment and explosives-blasting agent; material to the preparation of a variety of different binder perlite products, crude sexual material and the acid-base The second category, by the Shanghai Institute of Landscape producer for the exclusive agriculture, horticulture applications; special coarse material exports Korea, Singapore, the Southeast Asian region; hydrophobic perlite products, PPM painting expected pocket insulation for general building energy efficiency, energy saving within the external walls of residential Insulation; SPLM bridge to Singapore perlite packing light has been widely used in domestic major road works in the construction of the bridge. Companies use perlite production line waste heat, and the development of hydrophobic perlite. Perlite equipment for low-temperature, low temperature equipment for water-repellent perlite because of the unique properties of water and therefore are more applicable to low-temperature devices and liquefied natural gas (LNG-162 ℃) tank vessels, tankers and other insulation, the company-affiliated Xinyang Bridge perlite filter aid factory production BN (AG) of perlite filter aid, access to food hygiene in Henan Province approved the health sector. The company has two production lines expanded perlite, production processes using DCS (DISTRIBUTE CONTROL SYSTEM) system uses the TPS system for the entire process control devices, real-time operations and plant information integration, with gas to fuel the expansion of perlite production lines, Is the largest domestic product expanded perlite the production line, specializes in the production of perlite filter aid material. Perlite fully taken into account impact on the quality of perlite filter aid is a major factor. Because of expanded perlite stable quality, high-intensity particles from the fundamental To ensure the BN (AG) of perlite filter aid of product quality. The main purpose perlite filter aid from the water, oil, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, plasma, food, yeast, perlite filter aid has been provided for the national food processing agent, at home and abroad that are widely used. Especially in the beer, monosodium glutamate, glucose, drinks, fructose, fruit juice, wine, salt, starch wort, grain syrup, vegetable oil, pure water, paint, oil, chemical industry, textile industry, chemicals and other production in the filtration process is ideal And reliable auxiliaries. Its characteristics are fast filtration rate, filtering large, easy to operate, had no effect on the quality of products used in the course of less consumption (packing density than diatomite light 20%), low cost and suitable for various types of filtration equipment, Efficiency is very significant. Use the same methods and diatomite. Used as beer, beverages, fruit juices and other products of the filter. Since the construction of the company to enrich the quality of raw materials as resources, has been the quality and credibility of both the principle of constantly updated equipment, improved technology, enhancing goodwill. The customer honest and trustworthy, "all customer-heavy" as the purpose, has won numerous factories, mines and construction companies the trust and support so that our market share has rapidly developed. The Company to high-quality products, good after-sales service, the majority of new and old customers and sincere cooperation, perlite filter aid for China"s development of innovative products, our modest contribution to the force. Main product or service: Sales: perlite, agriculture, horticulture application of perlite; hydrophobic perlite products; explosives-blasting agents; PPM painting expected pocket insulation; SPLM bridge to fill slope perlite light; APP perlite absorption Acoustic tiles. Product Description: Sand is a pearl from the acidic volcanic lava vitreous broken, preheating, baking expansion is made of porous structure, white, loose granular materials, a small capacity, low thermal conductivity, chemical stability, Noncombustible, no Drugs, and tasteless, sound-absorbing characteristics. Pearly Sand (ultra-low-temperature super-power projects with perlite) is selected by the powder election as ores in the small vertical shaft kiln to heat with natural gas, heating by the expansion of access to the products, enhanced products in the expanded perlite surface spraying silicone , A hydrophobic structure. Color products, bulk density, specifications similar to ordinary perlite. The products are mainly used for large ultra-low-temperature thermal insulation layer construction projects, such as oxygen air separation unit, natural gas, liquid hydrogen, liquid nitrogen, chilled liquid oxygen transport, such as travel. This product has a good ultra-low-temperature thermal insulation performance, product quality is superior to the European classification society standards. Perlite powder The Company"s production of perlite powder, granular products, high compression, permeability, and that you improve soil permeability, the oxygen of the ideal product. The Company will provide product samples welcome to inquire. I plant now more than 100 technical staff, with an annual output of 10,000 cubic meters of perlite powder, 10,000 tons of perlite filter aid, 18,000 tons of spherical obturator perlite, 12,000 cubic meters of sand pearl of advanced production lines. I plant perlite filter aid to the provincial-level quality certification, the country"s beer; MSG; drink cooking oil, chemical manufacturers and other industry wide application, product quality and stability, has been generally praised the support of many. I welcome customers visit factory visit, the guide, business negotiations, we will be quality products, sincere and thoughtful service waiting for your patronage. Ball obturator perlite Spherical obturator perlite (also known as the Bose of beads), is my company and the domestic research department for nearly 10 years of successful cooperation in research and development of a thermal insulation, and insulation materials. The product is a low water absorption and high-strength characteristics of the new thermal insulation material, originated from Asia"s largest ore perlite - Shangtianti perlite mine, with ore processing → automatic feeding → preheating → automatically cutting → Multi-level heating → product cold treatment and automatic transmission → product collection → product classification → measurement packaging → storage. The product expansion of the high-temperature furnace, so that after the expansion of perlite particles were surface-round and has a row of the glass casing, and internal pore closed for the basic hollow structure. Technical performance: technical performance comparison of the products of traditional products perlite size (mm) 0.1-1.5 0.15-3 bulk density (Kg/m3) 100-200 70-250 thermal conductivity (w / mk) 0.047-0.054 0.047-0.054 into the ball Rate of 70-90% 0 obturator rate of ≥ 95% 0 water absorption (Determination of the vacuum Choulv%) 50-85 360-480 cylinder compressive strength (1 Mpa pressure on the size of the loss of) 38% -46% 76% -83 % Naihuo Du 1280-1360 ℃ 1250-1300 ℃ temperature below 800 ℃ below 750 ℃ Main purpose: the products have high strength, low water absorption, easily dispersed, and other notable feature, can increase mobility of mortar, widely used in internal and external wall insulation mortar, decorative panels, insulation boards of the aggregate use of light, at the same time instead of part of - The use of drift. But also as a building, metallurgy, industrial furnace (in light firebrick), and other industries use Perlite waterproof thermal insulation products Chu Yan waterproof thermal insulation products perlite waterproof thermal insulation products are the general perlite mixed with waterproof adhesive, repression and drying process, such as processed into certain specifications sheet or curved tile. The products are waterproof, light density, high strength and easy construction and a series of features. The product sheet for architecture roofing insulation layer, waterproof thermal insulation of underground structure construction, the framework of the external walls of insulation and other construction. Specifications 500 × 300 × (40 ~ 160) mm; slope shape and find a plate. The curved tile products mainly used for high and low temperature thermal insulation works. Special needs of organizations as customers demand products. Xinyang perlite sales call 13938226814 QQ: 303690184 perlite exchange Group: 40942906 franchise company is selling new wall materials, insulation materials professional manufacturers. Major: perlite powder (bulk), perlite hydrophobic insulation board (brick, tile), perlite filter aid, silicate cotton fiber, ultra-fine aluminum, and other new environmentally friendly products.
注册资本(¥) 100万 公司成立时间 2014-03-10
公司注册地 信阳 法人/负责人 冷小林
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 0 平方米 品牌名称 岩能
员工人数 5 人以下 研发部门人数 5 人以下
年营业额 人民币 10 万元/年以下
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 信阳市平桥区中信珍珠沙加工厂 普通商家  
联系人 尹太银  
座机电话 13938226814  
手机号码 13938226814   
传真号码 03763793366  
其它联系 在线留言