
   广东佛山东骏精工砖是一家专业生产各种高级建筑装饰陶瓷的现代化企业,拥有世界**先进的陶瓷生产设备,采用先进的生产技术和当代科学的管理模式,确保生产出**的产品。公司拥有专业研发、生产经营管理、市场营销等全方位的高素质人才,从而使企业从产品创意、系列品牌研发、生产经营能力等方面均在同行中居于前列地位。    东骏精工砖以抛光砖系列为切入点,立足于佛山,推动“陶都文化”的发展,并以“创新、诚信、务实”为企业发展的宗旨,率先想“绿色、环保”的人文居屋理念迈进,体现出东骏人对休闲、写意人生及个性空间这一主题的理性表达。 公司引进现代先进的生产工艺,严格按照ISO9001:2000国际质量体系严格管理,专业生产各种系列抛光砖,以魔幻仙子、晶亮仙子、星辉映像、翠玉仙子、彩蝶仙子、碧玉仙子等多个系列石为主导产品,产品具现代时尚的设计理念、绿色环保、吸水率低、耐磨性能强、无辐射、纹理柔和、规格齐全等特点,均受到广大客户的信赖和赞誉。  面对未来东骏人不断努力,不断探索、悉心研发,致力打造引领潮流的时尚产品,跨入新世纪,东骏人满怀信心,努力将“东骏”品牌做大做强! Guangdong Foshan Dongjun natrural stone is an enterpeise specializing in all kinds of high-classed constrctive &decorative ceramics production.possessing the most advanced ceramic production equipements,adopting updated production technology an modern scientific managerial method,dongjun ceramics guarantees to produce top-classed products ,the company has high-qualified personnel in charge in professional development an research ,production operation management ,marketing,etc so as to promote the company top status in the field from aspects of production creation ,series brands development, production management abilities. Orienting on polished tiles,located in Foshan,Dongjun Ceramics promotes the development of Ceramic Capital Culture;with the enterprise development principle of CREATION ,HONESTY,MODESTY, the company firstly steps to green and Environmental-production ,humen theory for housing ,representing rational expression of Dongjun people towards relaxation ,leisure life style and individual space . The company imports  modern and advanced production process ,stricyly in line with ISO9001-2000 international Quality System; it produces professionally natural stones of all kinds and its main product series as Magic Fairy Stone ,Poly Crystal Fairy Stone ,Dreamy Crystalline Stone ,Butterfly Fairy Stone are quite with modern and vogue designing theory as well as characteristics as green and Environmental-production,low water absorption ,strong antiwearing,tiny radiation,gentle vein, complete dimension,whice are quite popular and get appraisal from mass customers. Facing the future ,Dongjun people will go all out constantly,research and develop constantly for vogue and fashionable peoducts.Stepping into the new century ,Dongjun people will try their best to make the brand a bigger and stronger one with their whole-hearted confidence.
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群



公司名称 佛山市金洲园抛光砖有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 何经理  
座机电话 13500266442  
手机号码 13500266442   
传真号码 0757-88027809  
其它联系 在线留言