
      博森是依靠不断研发创新为基础的胶粘剂生产商。其应用领域非常广泛,适合多种行业。超过100多个系列的胶粘剂满足了工业、工程、航空、电子等众多领域的应用。Parson Adhesives is a research based adhesive manufacturer with wide range of products suitable of every industry. Over 100 types of adhesives reflect the universal product range suitable for the industrial manufacturer, the engineer, the craftsman and the consumer.  无论从产品取样、封样到生产的每一个环节,博森胶粘剂依靠其品质全程管理体系,有效的保证了为客户提供**优秀的产品质量。想客户所想、以优秀的品质及售后服务为己任永远是我们坚持的理念。注重每款产品的质量与改进,使我们赢得了全球众多市场及广大客户的信任。因此我们已先后在德国、波兰、墨西哥、澳大利亚、巴西、印度等建立了分公司以适应全球性销售战略。Parson Adhesives is committed to providing its customers with the best products possible through Total Quality Management in every aspect of its operations. Quality and customer focus have always been our priority. These are evident not only in our manufacturing process but also in the quality of service and our approach to customer needs. We are dedicated to quality, innovation in product design, strong marketing and the will to succeed. This has earned us the confidence of the clients we serve. Therefore, we have established branches in Germany, Poland, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, India separately to adapt global sales strategy.  戴乐博森(烟台)有限公司是由戴乐(烟台)有限公司与美国博森胶粘剂有限公司共同出资在中国建立的合资企业。公司主要从事美国博森胶粘剂公司所生产的工业及电子等胶粘剂的分装及负责在中国大陆、东南亚等地的销售。D&L-Parson (Yantai) Co.,Ltd. is the joint venture in China invested and set up by D&L (Yantai) Co.,Ltd and Parson Adhesives Inc. It focus on the repackage and sales in China and South-east zone of industrial and electronic adhesives manufactured by Parson Adhesives Inc.  戴乐博森为您提供的不仅仅只是胶粘剂,作为您的伙伴,我们会利用我们的知识,在您的生产及技术开发过程中与您并肩“作战”,以使您的成本降到**小化。我们通过不断的提高及改进而保证了产品质量的**高水平。我们每天都在为您不断的工作,全面综合的实验,时时刻刻的监视观察,永无停止的深入开发,提供给客户质量稳定可靠以及环保的产品是我们对您的义务和承诺。D&L-Parson not only supplies adhesives to you, but also considers to reduce your manufacturing cost to minimum as our mission in every second depending on our experiences. Hard work, general test, continuous inspection and development, stable quality and products of environmental protection are our obligation and promise to our customers.  展望未来,我们将继续不懈的努力,生产更多创新的胶粘剂以满足更多领域的需求。我们将开发更多的聚合胶粘剂、黏合剂、密封剂等以满足在无毒新材料方面日益增长的需求。Looking to the future, we will work continuously to produce innovative adhesive products to meet wide range of industrial applications. We will develop new polymers, adhesives, sealant and hybrid systems to meet the ever-increasing developments in exotic new materials.  戴乐博森会随时出现在您需要的地方!D&L-Parson is pleasure to be service of your requirement in the first second!
注册资本(¥) 公司成立时间
公司注册地 法人/负责人
开户银行 帐号
厂房面积 平方米 品牌名称
员工人数 未知 研发部门人数 未知
年营业额 未知
管理体系认证 未知 质量控制 未知
主要市场 未知 主要客户群


公司名称 戴乐博森(烟台)有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 牛先生  
座机电话 0535-6919276  
手机号码 13616450653   
传真号码 0535-6919236  
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