
PMA马赛克…… 早在2000年前,聪明的人类已懂得利用天然的大理石,切割成小块来作为各种建筑物装饰之用,这种技术不断发展、研究;直至西元七实际,已发展成为一种独特的建材技术,称马赛克(Mosaic)。在当时,马赛克工艺已风行欧洲。 直至今天,马赛克已成为室内外装潢不可或缺的元素,马赛克每块面积十分细小,对于铺设有弧位的表面真是适合不过;加上每块马赛克非常轻盈,无论铺贴天花板,墙身和地板都是理想之选。 虽然现今马赛克的形式多元化,物料推陈出新,但天然大理石打造的马赛克仍然是室内装潢的**;皆因只有天然大理石才能把这种年代久远显露出来。无论住宅、商铺、酒店、会所、别墅等,只要在适当地方将大理石马赛克铺贴出来,即可彰显无比的艺术感和高品位于室内环境之中。 PMA专业马赛克工作室,传承意大利手工艺技术,配合世界各地精选石材,诚意打造既优质又极富艺术感的马赛克。制成品颗粒可少至4MM,更能将精致的图样完全显露出来;马赛克表面可因应需要制成光亮面、仿古面或自然面,更可互相搭配拼贴,创造独有效果。   About PMA Mosaic… Over 2000 years ago,mankind had know-how to harness natural marble & stone.They cut them into small pieces to decorate archilectural objects.Such technique was well developed until.Seventh Century,people called such unique form of material,”Mosaic”.Mosaic then became very popular in Europe.   Until now,mosaic is an essential element in interors and exteriors decoration.According To its light in weight and small in size, mosaic can be applied everywhere,including wall,ceiling,floor and even curve surface.   Although nowadays there are lot of choices in mosaic material,natural mar ble is still the best choice accordong to it can thoroughly express the art and craft characteristics of this ancient art.Wherever in residential house and apartment,shop,hotei,clubhouse,marble mosaic brings unique art style and sophisticated tastes into those interiors.   PMA(Professional Mosaic Artshop)harness ltalian technique and well selscted marble around The world,cordially produce high quality and artistic mosaic for all customers.The mosaic chips can be precisely up to 4mm,,thus delicate image can be totally illustrated by PMA mosaic.Different types of finishing can also be produced,like glossy,classic and natural.Or they can be used together to generate aunique effect.More and more landlords prefer to use PMA product and become more popular now.Besides existing patterns,PMA also make to order.We guarantee you enjoy 100% sati sfaction with our product and service!     真诚期待与各界朋友合作,携手并进。我们将致力于为客户朋友提供 Thanks & best regards ! PMA Professional Mosaic Artshop                          Rayman Wong Foshan showroom:  No.30,10 Row Yimeijia Bathroom Ceramics World,Jihua Four Road,Chan Cheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
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公司名称 专业马赛克工作室 普通商家  
联系人 黄先生  
座机电话 0757-83128940  
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