CQY6802 大型移动照明车 工程照明车

发布时间 2012-01-11 16:35:05


CQY6802 大型移动照明车
CQY6802 Omniberaing large-mobile lighting vehicle



In order to satisfy the railroad,electrical industry,public security,army,such industry,public security,army,such industry and mining business unit"s big area high brightness illumination need on large-scale construction work,accient repairs,rush to deal with an emergency and rescue isaster and so on,our company developes the CQY6800 the Omniberaing large-mobile lighting vehicle,It can may work normally under kinds of adverse circumstance and climatic conditions.

照明性能: 灯盘由4盏500W高效率节能菲利蒲品牌灯组成,按现场需要将每个灯头单独做上下左右角调节,旋转实现360度全方位照明;也可将灯头在灯盘均匀布向四个方向照明;整体照明远近兼顾,照明亮度高,范围大,菲利浦灯泡寿命长。
工作时间: 使用发电机组供电时,一次注满燃油可连续工作13小时以上,使用220V市电可长时间照明
便操作性: 通过无线遥控可在50米范围内分别控制每盏灯的开启和关闭,使用气泵或手动气阀控制伸缩杆的升降.
适用场所: 灯盘、汽缸和发电机组为整体结构,发电机组底部装有万向轮和铁轮,可在坑洼的路面及铁轨上运行.整体采用优质进口金属材料制作,结构紧凑,性能稳定,可确保在各种恶劣环境和气候条件下正常工作,防雨淋、喷水、抗风等级为8级.
可定制性: 为满足客户个性化的需求,本产品的标准配置不能满足用户的工作需要,我们可在灯头数量、功率、泛光或聚光、伸缩气杆升起高度及发电机的装备按您的要求作调整.


Illumination performance:The lamp plates is composed of 4 highly effective Phillips tubes of 500W.According to the site requirement,do adjust each cap up and down,left and right and right separately.Revolves to realize 360C entire position illumination;Also can install the cap equably in the plates to four directions illuminations; The whole illumination gives dual attention far and near.THe higher the illumination brightness is, high and the scope is wide.Phillips tube has long service life.
Fluctuation performance: Selects three expansoions and contractions air cylinders as the fluctuation adjustment way. The biggest height is 4.5 meters,and the light covering radius amounts 35-55 meters.
Working time:When use power set to supply power,full filling fuel oil one time may continuously work
above 13 hours.using 220V,may supply long time illumination.
Convenient operation: May separately control each lamp"s open and close through the wireless remote control within 50 meters.Use air pump or the manual air valve to control the fluctuation of flex pole.
Applicable place:The lamp plates,the cylinder and the generation set are the overall construction.The
generator base is loaded with universal wheel and rail wheel,and can move on the pits road surface and
the railway rail. The whole uses the high quality imported metal material,with compact structure,stable
performance,which guarantees normal work under each king of adverse circumstance and the climatic conditions.Showing water-proof,spurting water-proof,and the wind resistant grade is 8 levels.
Custom-made capacity: In order to meet the customer demand,if our standard equipment can"t satis for
customers" working need,we can adjust the cap quantity,power,spotliht or floodlight,raising eight of the flex pole and generating set according to you request.
三、主要技术参数 Main technical parame

1、额定电压:220V             1、Rated voltage:220V
 工作电压:220V               Working voltage:220V
2、灯盘:                 2、Lamp plates:
 灯头功率:500Wx4(卤钨灯)          cap power:500x4(halogen tungsten lamp)
 灯头光通量:4x9500lm cap          luminous flux:4x9500lm
 灯泡寿命:2000h               Lamp bulb life:2000h
3、工作时间:一次注满燃油:13h       3、Working time:Full filluing fuel oil one time:13h
 工作时间:接(市电):长时间          Working timeL:Connecting with(city electricity): long time
4、 伸缩气杆:**小高度:1600mm       4、Flex pole:Min height: 1600mm
 伸缩气杆:**大高度:4000mm          Max height:4000mm
5、 发电机组:额定输出电压:220V      5、Generating set:rated output voltage:220V
 发电机组:功率/油箱容量:2000W/15L     Power/gasoline tank capacity:2000W/15L
6、 外形尺寸:长x宽x高:800x500x2000mm   6、Outline dimension:800(L)x500(W)x2000(H)mm
 灯盘尺寸:长x宽x高:400x380x300mm     Lamp plate size:400(L)x380(W)x300(H)mm
7、 重量:整体结构:61Kg           7、Weight:Overall construction:61Kg

四、品质保证 Guarantee of quality

The quality guarantee of this product is 3 years,during which,any fault occurs under normal operation condition,we take the responsibility of the maintenance for free.Degree of protection of enclosure:IP66

联系人 匡伟峰
联系电话 0577-62122216 
地址 浙江省乐清市·蒲岐工业区虹南大道文明路一号
邮箱 253983268@163.com
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