
发布时间 2016-09-25 10:58:01


“化大泰中”光触媒内墙生态漆 是采用纳米光触媒技术,以纳米二氧化钛为主要原料,以优质乳液为基料,配以进口助剂及高档颜料精制而成的无毒无害环保型水性涂料。

1、  净化:具有很强的氧化分解能力,能持久有效的祛除空气中的甲醛、氨有害气体。
2、  释放负离子:持续释放对人体有益的负氧离子,改善室内空气质量,使空气倍加清新。
3、  抗菌:有效杀死并分解大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等细菌和病毒,抑制如流感、腹泻等病原的传播。
4、  防霉:对黑曲霉、黄曲霉和土曲霉等一系列霉菌的生长和繁殖有抑制功能。
5、  装饰功能:超级耐擦洗,弥盖细徽裂纹,遮盖力强,透气性能好,色泽柔和,漆膜细腻,流平性好,气味清新,无毒环保。



Main Components:
The HuaDa TaiZhong photocatalyst ecological interior paint is environment friendly and made from high effective nano TiO2, high grade acrylic polymer latexes, additives and pigments according to advancing recipes, advanced nano-technology and manufactured in advancing equipments.
The novel paint is suitable for the decorating with range of old or new interior wall and proof of hotels, hospitals, households and schools.
The Trait of the Primer:
This photocatalyst ecological interior wall paint can release permanence negative ions which are wholesome to human bod. It alsohas strong oxidation ability can more effectively decompounds formaldehyde in air and many organic compounds indoor so as to improve the quality of indoor air. It also can antibacterial and mildew proofing. It has excellent water scrub resistance, excellent enveloping crannies, high covering and excellent air pentetrating.
Theory consumption:
The theory consuption is 10~12M2/Kg, while the real consumption will vary with the coating method and rough degree of the substrate.
Storage Condition:
Always store this paint between 5 to 35 and in a cool, dry place and avoid freezing. This product has shelf life of 12 months. Please see the manufacture date on the sticker.
Execution Standards:
This product is manufactured and tested according to:
GB/T9756-2001 (synthetic resin latex interior wall paint) 
GB 18582-2001 (hazardous substances limiting of indoor decoration material)









联系人 赵书勇 张国林
联系电话 13572454331 18009225883 
地址 文艺北路甲字壹号唐人大厦409室
进入店铺 在线留言

