发布时间 2008-10-17 08:11:34

平板脚踏**特点:.适合与我们家庭使用,也适用于宾馆,饭店,车站,医院,学生公寓等公共场所,具有延时,自闭,卫生,不受水力限制;节水效果达50%显著等特点。从根本上避免了只开不关,产生长流水,浪费水资源的现象。Characteristics of hand-pressing time-lapse faucets: They are applicable to they are applicable to our families and public places such as schools, bus stations, hospitals, factories, hotels, etc .because of Time-lapse, self-close, and free from waterpower. It can save water by 50 percent, that it is, save water radically by avoid forgetting to close the switch after using it.