
发布时间 2016-05-14 18:01:01


执行标准 GB国际
类型 砂浆型瓷砖胶
适用范围 瓷砖石材填缝
材质 砂浆


Cenbon Ceramic Tile Adhesive Stone Adhesive


CBC01  Universal ceramic tile adhesive

CBC02  Powerful ceramic tile adhesive

CBC03  Tough ceramic tile adhesive

CBC04  Stone Adhesive

Cenbon Ceramic Tile Adhesive Stone Adhesive User instruction


Base Treatment

Base surface must be firm, clean, even, no dust, not oily, not lose and no other debris.

Spade and wash away any uneven and/or lose parts of the surface.

Obvious gaps and holes must be filled or mended before applied this product.

Wet the surface if it is too dry

Construction Technology:

Pour enough water into the container, then put the powder in, mix them evenly and constantly into pulp to avoid precipitation.

Use specialized tool to press mixed pulp onto the surface evenly. Put the tile or brick on the pulp every one square meter.

For pasting deeper tiles or stones, put pulp onto the back of the tiles or stones on top of the surface to ensure pasting. For seam pasting, use specialized products CBT101 or CBT102 to fill the gaps.


Use wet cloth or sponge to wipe away any unused pulp on the surface before hardened.

Fill the gaps 24 hours after pasting. For best effect, use Joint Mixture series product from our company.

Suitable for use between the temperature of 5-40 degrees.

Do not mix hardened pulp with water.


The product is alkaline, avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective mask and grooves when in use. Once contact, use high volume of water to wash and consult local doctor for advice. The product contains no poison, non-flammable, environmental friendly.



Avoid direct contact with sunlight. Should not be stored directly on the floor. Sealed product is valid for one year.

Theorical Volume

Volume varies under various construction condition.

3X3 cutter:  1.7kg/㎡square meter

6X6 cutter:  3.5kg/㎡square meter

10X10 cutter: 6.0kg/㎡square meter


联系人 郑生
联系电话 36400340 
地址 中国广东广州机场路104号
邮箱 cenbon@21cn.com
进入店铺 在线留言

