
发布时间 2017-10-27 17:23:51


等级 优质
风格 现代
材质 柞木
地板厚度 20mm
板片光洁度 良好
标准 国标
表面形状 油漆面
规格 20*65*1800mm
甲醛释放量 E0
抗压力 强抗压
耐磨层厚度 0.6
耐磨性 强耐磨
适用范围 其他
特殊用途 耐磨
图案 木纹
褪色性(级) 无褪色
颜色 其他

The development of sports of wooden floor, from the function and performance of sports on the floor can be divided into three different stages of development, namely the first stadium sports floor just wood floor installation in the site on the keel to form a wood floor, both the motion function or protection function and technical features are some defects. Later, after continuous development of sports competition is more and more, athlete's value and commercial profit is more and more big, the wood floor gymnasium also obtained the fast development, the emergence of fixed movement floor is now used by most stadiums. Various 优化体育木地板结构,运动木地板防震性能卓越篮球木地板在运动员运动过程中的减震作用是当今体育运动界的一些领导非常关注,也非常重视的一个问题,根据这个非常重视的科研课题,舞台木地板在提高运动员在承受不必要的负载以及从减少体育木地板在减少运动员在落地的一刹那受伤的程度,畅森运动木地板厂家经过多年的实践考察,科研实验,畅森木业篮球木地板厂始终如一,终于克服种种难题创造出一套卓越的运动减震技术。


畅森舞台木地板厂,优质运动木地板,优质体育木地板根据科学的运动木地板减震技术的原理,在韧性较强的枫木或柞木基础上哟花地板力学结构,采用高价结构,木龙骨架空以辅助篮球运动员分散橡胶垫的吸收能力来大大提高篮球木地板的防震性能!  technical features are some defects. Later, after continuous development of sports competition is more and more, athlete's value and commercial profit is more and more big, the wood floor gymnasium also obtained the fast development, the emergence of fixed movement floor is now used by most stadiums. Various indices of the sports floor is completely in line with the standard requirements   www.mudibanchang.com




联系人 赖昌知
联系电话 010-60599942 
地址 北京市通州区环景路18号院
邮箱 406418181@qq.com
进入店铺 在线留言

