Gemini valve阀门Gemini valve阀

发布时间 2014-04-11 09:52:57


Gemini valve阀门,进口Gemini valve阀门,特价Gemini  Gemini valve阀门,进口Gemini valve阀门,特价Gemini

Gemini valve

Gemini valve阀门执行器 Gemini valve进口 Gemini valve特价

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Gemini valve阀门专业有售
Gemini valve阀门

Gemini Valve is a United States manufacturer of exceptionally reliable automated, manual and customized valves. Our Solutions Team professionals specialize in matching the best valve solution for your application from our proven line of compact, reliable ball valves. If your application requires special considerations, Gemini's engineered product and design capabilities combined with diversity in manufacturing allows for practical, value oriented customized solutions.
Gemini Valve has over 25 years of experience in working with OEMs and End Users in developing custom solutions for specific industry applications. In many cases these new, highly specialized products have been developed from our existing line of industry proven products to ideally suit the customers application
Gemini valve阀门
Gemini valve阀门
Gemini valve阀门价格
Gemini valve阀门型号
Gemini valve阀门代理
Gemini valve阀门系列产品
Gemini valve阀门专业有售

联系人 销售部
联系电话 0755-61286230 
地址 深圳市福田区泰然五路3988号
进入店铺 在线留言

