劳斯莱斯滤清器CH10929 CH10930 CH10931

发布时间 2013-07-16 23:08:43


英国PERKINS中国区域售后服务及零配件销售业务:(0)13925215706  (0769)85642985



英国Perkins(珀金斯)发动机有限公司于1932年由英国企业家Frank.Perkins在英国Peterborough创建,为全球****的发动机制造商之一,是4至2000 kW(5至2800hp)功率非公路用柴油及天然气发动机市场的翘楚。Perkins公司擅长为客户量身定做发动机,完全满足客户的特定需求,因而备受设备生产商信赖。凭此优势,公司现时向全球1,000多家主要设备生产商供应发动机,这些发动机应用于5,000多种不同场合,覆盖五大市场:农用机械、建筑/工程机械、发电设备、工业用设备和物料装卸设备。时至今日,已有超过2,000万台Perkins发动机投入服务,其中接近一半以上仍在使用中。由超过118家Perkins代理商组成的全球网络,遍及180多个国家和地区,透过3,500个服务网点提供产品支持,所有网点均秉承**严格的标准,保证在世界每个角落的客户都可获得**优质的服务。










●发电机组(例如:威尔信发电机组、戴尔、大皇冠、DORMAN多盟、Rolls—Royce劳斯莱斯发电机组…… )
●工程机械(例如:JCB小型挖掘机、英格索兰山猫小型挖掘机、福格勒摊铺机、美国威猛摊铺机、特雷克斯两头忙、英格索兰山猫小挖、柳工机械、美国威猛摊铺机、福格勒摊铺机、阿特拉斯科普柯空压机、美国林肯SAE-400焊机、米勒大蓝系列焊机…… )
●其它工业设备(例如:吉尼(GENIE)高空作业车、JLG高空作业车,油田用牵引车,德国PAUS井下辅助运输车辆,TORO剪草机……其它机械油田煤矿等特殊场所使用的机械  )



First, to provide perkins engines, generators and accessories and supplies wholesale

Second, to provide perkins engine, generator maintenance services

Third, to provide perkins engine, generator maintenance services

Fourth, to provide perkins engine, generator technical support

       Perkins engines are widely used in all walks of modern life. Required for the world of professional motor industry R & D and production services. Has been praised by all walks of life and all ages. More than 75 years Perkins Engines Company Limited in the manufacture of diesel engines and power solutions with the highest level of stability and reliability. Multiple production bases worldwide, more than 4,000 distribution points worldwide after-sales service. Used perkins engines are:

● generator sets (for example: FG Wilson generator Wilson, Dell, large crown, DORMAN multi Union, Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce turbine ...)
● construction machinery (such as: JCB mini excavators, Ingersoll-Rand Bobcat mini excavators, Vogele paver, paver mighty United States, Terex backhoe, dig a small Bobcat Ingersoll-Rand, willow Machinery, the mighty United States paver, Vogele paver, Atlas Copco air compressors, the United States Lincoln SAE-400 welder, welder Miller Big Blue Series ...)
● forklifts (Linde, Jungheinrich, Hyster forklift, BOSS Forklift, Clark Forklift, Tailift forklift, OM forklifts)
● agricultural machinery (such as: tractors, combine harvesters)
● Other industrial equipment (for example: Gini (GENIE) high-altitude operation truck, JLG aerial vehicles, oilfield tractor, Germany PAUS underground auxiliary transport vehicles, TORO lawn mower ... ... other mechanical mine fields and other special places to use machinery)

In order to ensure the normal operation of these devices, Perkins has established a complete set of spare parts supply system. all-weather rapid supply of spare parts, which can guarantee the normal operation of your machine. Perkins engine in low maintenance and convenient service reputation, and their simple design achievements worldwide distributors and agents to provide customers with local service. Perkins 'Powerpart' has sold more than 50,000 sets of parts, but also the brand to ensure that only Genuine Perkins parts for Perkins engines can really.

联系人 李小姐
联系电话 0769-85642985 
地址 广东省东莞市长安镇
邮箱 13798532584@163.com
进入店铺 在线留言

