发布时间 2005-08-23 10:12:30


 Cornell Pump Company has been setting the standard for premium quality, efficient centrifugal pumps since 1946. Our products are engineered to be rugged, durable, and dependable as demonstarted by our two-year warranty.

Cornell pumps can be found hard at work for raw water intake, water processing, pressure boosting, refineries, energy recovery, cooling towers, distillation systems, wastewater processing, DAF systems and power plants.
Cornell understands the importance of reliable, safe, clean drinking water in today"s environment. Indeed this endeavor is at the heart of many environmental problems around the world. We know what"s at stake when there is an insufficient amount of reliable, safe water to meet domestic needs.

Consequently, an increasing number of local and state governments have come to rely on Cornell to meet their pumping requirements year after year.

At Cornell, we"ve built our worldwide reputation on reliability. Our centrifugal pumps are engineered and manufactured to provide dependable, efficient and economical operation over ti

联系人 肖润根
联系电话 0771-5617400 
地址 深圳
邮箱 xrg1334@hotmail.com
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