
发布时间 2019-09-23 14:55:39


       暖气控制阀系统由加装于暖气片前的暖气控制阀,用户持有的lC 卡(用户卡)及供热管理部门拥有的等理系统软件三部分组成。在热用户欠缴供暖费,即控制阀中剩余时间为零时,控制阀自动关闭,此时,热介质(水)不流经暖气片。若用户需再次用热,则持卡去管理部门缴纳供暖费.供热管理部门根据热用户缴纳的金额,通过系统软件平台,计算用户可用热的时间,把该时间信息写入用户卡中,用户在控制阀上刷卡后,控制阀自动打开。此时,卡中的信息(允许使用时间)此时传递给控阀,从而达到交费用热的目的。

Center heating valve system is a manager heat system,can be made the customer use heat to fee,change the situation now,that ask the customers door to door.Very suit to deal with the customer lack fee and improve the manage level and efficient system .
      Added the central heating valve in front of the central heating.the customer IC card. manager system software,these thlree parts compose the center heating control valve system.When the customer account is zero,the valve will close auto.If the customer will need supply the heater again,Will to manager department to fee. The computer will rewrite the account number.And then the customer go hack to brush the card,the valve will open auto .The message in the card will translated the valve.get the fee aim.

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