
发布时间 2013-05-21 12:14:20


内径 19 mm
外径 16 mm
类型 双金属衬套
厚度 20 mm
重量 0.1 kg
用途 机油泵
材质 双金属

机油泵无切削衬套,是嘉善倍研自润滑轴承有限公司以低碳钢板为基体材料,表面烧结CuPb10Sn10材料的钢铜合金产品。有很高的疲劳强度和承载能力,高的抗冲击能力 ,很好的耐腐蚀性和耐腐性,与淬硬轴配合,轴颈硬度不低于53HRC适用于中载、中到高速 ,以及有大冲击载荷的轴承,重型车的平衡桥衬套、连杆衬套、转向节衬套、马达衬套、气门摇臂衬套、凸轮轴衬套、惰轮轴衬套、齿轮衬套、支架衬套、制动蹄衬套、喷油器衬套、钢板衬套均使用该产品。

摩擦系数:0.06 ~0.14(μ)

JF bimetal bushing

JF bimetal bushing is based on steel and sintered with Cupb10sn10 as lining layer.This type has the best performance within the range of Cu-pb alloy constructured bushing. Therefore it has a wide application and is mostly suitable for where is middle speed and high impact etc.

Lead Bronze Alloy  CuPb10Sn10 OR CuSn6Zn6Pb3
Load capacity    65N/mm2 
Temperature limit  260 °C
Harderness Alloy  (70~100)HB

JF bimetal bushing

JF bimetal bushing is based on steel and sintered with Cupb10sn10 as lining layer.This type has the best performance within the range of Cu-pb alloy constructured bushing. Therefore it has a wide application and is mostly suitable for where is middle speed and high impact etc.

Lead Bronze Alloy  CuPb10Sn10 OR CuSn6Zn6Pb3
Load capacity    65N/mm2 
Temperature limit  260 °C
Harderness Alloy  (70~100)HB 


JF bimetal bushing

JF bimetal bushing is based on steel and sintered with Cupb10sn10 as lining layer.This type has the best performance within the range of Cu-pb alloy constructured bushing. Therefore it has a wide application and is mostly suitable for where is middle speed and high impact etc.

Lead Bronze Alloy  CuPb10Sn10 OR CuSn6Zn6Pb3
Load capacity    65N/mm2 
Temperature limit  260 °C
Harderness Alloy  (70~100)HB 


联系人 夏先生
联系电话 0573-84291155 
地址 浙江省嘉兴市嘉善县范泾工业园
邮箱 beybearing@gmail.com
进入店铺 在线留言

