发布时间 2013-03-12 19:39:14

我公司河北鑫旺机械生产的铁皮保温机,是专业做管道保温的操作机械,铁皮保温机分为压圆机和压边机,他们共同把铁皮 加工好,然后再通过人工把铁皮弄好。这款机械它是由车床和电焊机经过精细的做工加工而成。其质量好,重量大,做工精细,使用时间长,售后服务好,并根据客 户要求专业定做。抢购热线18716340778,13934214638,13932663340,13603550285。
My company hebei xin wang machinery production of iron machine, is insulation foamglas operating machinery, iron insulation machine into pressure machine and pressure machine, they work together to iron processing, and then through the fabric of artificial iron. This machinery is it by the lathe and amalgamation after refined facture. Its good quality and weight, fine workmanship, long using life, good after-sale service, and according to the customer request professional. Buying ,13934214638,13932663340,13603550285 hotline.