
发布时间 2010-03-19 16:22:58



方箱检定的环境前提:常温、常湿。The side box mainly uses in the spare part the parallelism, the verticality and so on overhaul and the lineation. Fang Xiang is the detailed 6 working surface cavity cube which makes with the cast iron or the steel products, in a working surface has V die. Fang Xiang examines environment premise: Normal temperature, Chang Shi.
方箱检定要求:方箱各工作面不能有划痕、裂纹、锈迹以及影响计量机能的其他缺陷。非工作面应清砂涂漆,棱边倒角。在方箱内壁应有标牌,并标有规格尺寸,级别出厂编号、制造厂名称。Fang Xiang examines the request: Fang Xiangge the working surfaces cannot have the scratch, the crack, the rusty stain as well as influence measurement function other flaws. The non-working surface should the clear granulated substance coating, leng side the bevel edge. Should have the product label in the side box endophragm, and the sign has the specification size, the rank leaving the plant serial number, the factory name. 精工机床有限公司采用了新结构、新技术、新工艺和优质材料锻造加工的各种系列量具,具有设计公道、结构不乱、精度高、耐磨损、使用寿命长等特点。主要产品有铸铁平台、大型装配平台、划线平板、检修平板、花岗石平台、铆焊平板、焊接平台、火工平板、铸铁平尺、铸铁方箱、划线平板、铸铁弯板、防爆工具、检修平台、大理石平板、大理石平行规、焊接平板、铸铁方尺、花岗石直角尺、角度平尺、塞环规、偏摆检查仪等。
方箱检定方法:对于边长为315mm及以下的方箱,检定时在方箱被检面的两端各放置1mm 的量块,把刀口形直尺放在量块工作面上,然后在其各被检核检束处用量块试塞,当量块组刚刚塞入时的尺寸与两端量块尺寸之差为该被检核检束对两端之间的偏差。Fang Xiang examines the method: Regarding the length of side is 315mm and following Fang Xiang, when the examination is examined in Fang Xiang the surface the both sides to lay aside respectively 1mm the gage block, places in the gage block working surface the knife shape of the mouth straightedge, is restrained respectively in it by the control place tries with the gage block, when the gage block group just squeezed in the size and difference of the both sides gage block size for should restrain by the control to the both sides between the deviation. 河北精工机床制造有限公司主要产品有大型铸铁平板、铸铁平台、划线平板、检修平板、装配平板、铆焊平板、焊接平台、铸铁检修平板、铸铁方尺、花岗石直角尺、角度平尺、塞环规、偏摆检查仪、齿轮跳动检查仪、刀口尺、工作台、蹊径垫铁、铸铁方筒、减振垫铁、机床垫铁、调整垫铁、机床工作台、滑台、床身、平板支架等。广泛合用于机械加工、工具车间、装配车间、计量及精密加工的检修和丈量。产品畅销31个省市、自治区,部门产品远销美国、德国、日本、韩国等国家,深受海内外客户的好评。
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