

发布时间 2005-10-26 14:59:11

作为一个国际性品牌,杜威所有的产品均与国际产品标准同步,符合中国最新环保安全标准,并接受了中国最高级别品质检测。自杜威产品进入中国市场以来,格守品质铸就品牌,服务贴近客户,环保造福公众的理念。产品一经面世,就以其优异的品质、完美的服务、出众的环保三大优势在市场掀起狂澜,为众多商家客户所推崇,在各地都引起巨大反响,成为各大媒体报道的核心。 The Stratagem of sell As an international brand, all the DOWAY products keep pace with the international standard, meet the newest environment protection and safety standards and receive the highest class quality test in China. Since launching into the Chinese market, DOWAY has been insisting on the principle of quality creates brand, customer-oriented service and benefiting the people with environment protection products, DOWAY products has earned high popularity F r o m the appreciators and clients and have become the key of report F r o m the mediums owing to the advantages of high quality, excellent service and environment protection.



公司名称 美国杜威涂料(国际)集团杜威涂料中山有限公司 普通商家  
联系人 殷超  
座机电话 07605541719  
传真号码 07605541715  
电子邮箱 sy-yc@163.com  
其它联系 在线留言