发布时间 2019-11-29 09:56:06

荷兰鹿特丹博伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆(Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen)建于1849年,该博物馆存放并展示了大量世界级的艺术品,其藏品超过14万件,覆盖了荷兰乃是欧洲的众多艺术精品,年代跨越中世纪早期至21世纪。总价高达75亿美元。该美术馆与阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆、海牙莫里茨皇家美术馆三足鼎立,是荷兰代表性美术馆。
该美术馆正在建设一座新馆——博曼斯美术馆艺术仓库Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen,这是一个类似超级大碗的建筑,其外墙的特殊材质可将四周环境都映射其中,使得它既是一个独立建筑同时又和周围环境融为一体,其顶层的“碗口”部分则被设计为露天花园。该项目由荷兰MVRDV建筑事务所设计,计划于将于2021年开放。
Construction Facts - Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen
The highest point measures 39.5 metres;
The deepest point, the ground-coupled heat exchanger, lies 248 metres below ground;
The diameter of the building is 40 metres at ground level and 60 metres at the top;
The building has a ground floor plus 6 storeys;
The steel structure weighs 320,000 kg;
The building contains approx. 9250 m3 of concrete;
The façade comprises 1664 mirrored panels;
The building sits on 276 foundation piles (approx. 20 metre long);
From the driving of the first pile to reaching the highest point took a total of 562 days;
450 workers have been employed in the construction;
There are 4 lifts: an express lift to the roof terrace, a public lift, a lift for artworks and a staff lift;
There are 5 atrium staircases with a total of 184 steps;
An as-yet-unspecified number of solar panels will be installed on the roof;
There will be 5 different climate zones in the storage spaces;
75 birch trees will be hoisted onto the roof with a crane;
The restaurant on the 6th floor seats 135 people;
The 12-metre-high first ring comprises 750 m3 of cast concrete;
6250 m3 of soil has been removed from the site;
The floor area is 15,541 m2;
6609 m2 of mirrored panels are mounted to an aluminium structure;
The building contains approx. 1.5 million kg of reinforcing steel.
英国60栋楼外墙有火灾隐患 工人拆除不合格外墙:拆除了铝塑板,保留了酚醛保温板