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What is the low-frequency noise hazards?

Bebel static sound-proof windows
Service Center :0591-88109600

Modern science and technology to bring convenience to people"s lives, while also contributing to the physical and mental health had a profound impact. Among them, low-frequency noise harm although there has not been enough attention, but their physical and mental health caused by chronic injury, but should not be overlooked. So, what is the harm low-frequency noise, how to prevent and treat it?

Experts say that any noise would have an impact on the physical and mental health, while the low-frequency noise is even more far-reaching harm. Low-frequency noise generally refers to frequencies below 500 Hz and the voice of the common sound source has elevators, transformers, central air conditioning (including cooling towers), and traffic noise.

Low-frequency noise hazards

Experts point out that noise pollution is already the world"s first in seven public nuisance, while the low-frequency noise on the human body is the kinds of chronic injury, but should not be overlooked.

Low-frequency noise due to direct access to people"s ear bones, and will make people sympathetic nervous, tachycardia, high blood pressure, endocrine disorders. People were forced to accept that such noise can easily lead to trouble, excitement, irritability and other negative emotions, and even irrational. If long-term harassment by low-frequency noise, it will induce neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches and other neuroses, and even affect the unborn fetus of pregnant women.

Prevention and treatment of low-frequency noise

In view of the dangers of low-frequency noise, experts advise, daily life, we should pay attention to take preventive measures, particularly in the housing aspect of the decoration should pay attention to choose the right materials and processes. For example the use of solid wood on the ground floor of the noise effects of good; on the ground or the channel part of the carpet can also reduce the noise; can use professional acoustic materials, acoustic ceiling do; 90% of the external noise is coming from the windows and doors pass, so the choice of noise Good windows and doors is very important; multi-use craft decoration and soft decorative fabric. In general, the more the better thick sound-absorbing curtains, texture to cotton, linen and the best; in the street windowsill, balcony placing more green foliage, but also can reduce the incoming noise.

Finally, the mental health network of experts emphasized that the dangers of chronic low-frequency noise, long-term is affected may be induced neurasthenia, insomnia and other mental disorders. Therefore, if the above symptoms of the disease must consult a doctor for treatment as soon as possible, do not ignore the low-frequency noise hazards resulting in serious consequences.














What is the low-frequency noise hazards?

Bebel static sound-proof windows
Service Center :0591-88109600

Modern science and technology to bring convenience to people"s lives, while also contributing to the physical and mental health had a profound impact. Among them, low-frequency noise harm although there has not been enough attention, but their physical and mental health caused by chronic injury, but should not be overlooked. So, what is the harm low-frequency noise, how to prevent and treat it?

Experts say that any noise would have an impact on the physical and mental health, while the low-frequency noise is even more far-reaching harm. Low-frequency noise generally refers to frequencies below 500 Hz and the voice of the common sound source has elevators, transformers, central air conditioning (including cooling towers), and traffic noise.

Low-frequency noise hazards

Experts point out that noise pollution is already the world"s first in seven public nuisance, while the low-frequency noise on the human body is the kinds of chronic injury, but should not be overlooked.

Low-frequency noise due to direct access to people"s ear bones, and will make people sympathetic nervous, tachycardia, high blood pressure, endocrine disorders. People were forced to accept that such noise can easily lead to trouble, excitement, irritability and other negative emotions, and even irrational. If long-term harassment by low-frequency noise, it will induce neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches and other neuroses, and even affect the unborn fetus of pregnant women.

Prevention and treatment of low-frequency noise

In view of the dangers of low-frequency noise, experts advise, daily life, we should pay attention to take preventive measures, particularly in the housing aspect of the decoration should pay attention to choose the right materials and processes. For example the use of solid wood on the ground floor of the noise effects of good; on the ground or the channel part of the carpet can also reduce the noise; can use professional acoustic materials, acoustic ceiling do; 90% of the external noise is coming from the windows and doors pass, so the choice of noise Good windows and doors is very important; multi-use craft decoration and soft decorative fabric. In general, the more the better thick sound-absorbing curtains, texture to cotton, linen and the best; in the street windowsill, balcony placing more green foliage, but also can reduce the incoming noise.

Finally, the mental health network of experts emphasized that the dangers of chronic low-frequency noise, long-term is affected may be induced neurasthenia, insomnia and other mental disorders. Therefore, if the above symptoms of the disease must consult a doctor for treatment as soon as possible, do not ignore the low-frequency noise hazards resulting in serious consequences.



公司名称 福州大学城倍尔静(隔音)声学研究设计中心 普通商家  
联系人 王女士  
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传真号码 0591-88109600  
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